Eduardo Cavazos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a shuffler. From the moment you see it, how long does it take till you
> realize what pattern it's executing?
>        abcdef-cbedaf

Let's put it this way: when I'm trying to figure out stack order,
that's how I write it down. So it takes me literally NO mental effort
to read that; I see it as "a stack reordering", and if I want to know
more, I'll ask questions like "where did the new third item come
from?" (it was the third item originally), or "where did the new
second item come from?" (it was the sixth item), or "where did the 4th
item go?" (it was moved into 6th place).

All these questions and more can be quickly and easily answered. How
do you ask similar questions about your notation?

> The pattern recognition process is much faster with this expression:
>        <[=-=-=-]

I still can't even tell what this is trying to say; that's why I'm
asking. It seems very complex, since you have to start by deciding
what type of shuffle it's expressing (<, >, ^, v), then you have at
least three punctuation characters, each of which means something
different for each type of shuffle.

Finally, I don't see how to easily use your notation to answer
questions like the ones I listed above.

BTW, I expect that you can answer these questions, and possibly you
can tell me how to do it. I haven't judged your notation as unfit yet
:-), although I'm not happy that there are 4 different fundamental

> Here's another one:
>        abcdefg-gbedcfa
> The equivalent reshaper:
>        r[=-=-=-=]
> The r[...] form "reverses" the marked elements.

How do you do



I do see that your notation can handle limited rstack transfers,
although I don't yet understand how the notation controls that or how
it's useful.

> Ed


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