
I'm working on "io.encodings.korean" support Johab encoding and
refactoring "cp949", "johab" => encode-char/decode-char's common

here is my personel github: http://github.com/ageldama/factor/tree/master

I want remove duplicated codes in my cp949/johab encodings and no need
to load vocab twice.

[ageld...@file ~]$ factor/factor
( scratchpad ) USE: io.encodings.korean
Loading resource:basis/io/encodings/korean/korean.factor
Loading resource:basis/io/encodings/asian/asian.factor
Loading resource:basis/io/encodings/asian/asian-docs.factor
:warnings - print 545 semantic warnings.
1: USE: io.encodings.korean
In word: encode-char-mb
Got a computed value where a literal quotation was expected

The following restarts are available:

:1    Load resource:basis/io/encodings/korean/korean.factor again

Type :help for debugging help.
( scratchpad ) USE: io.encodings.korean
Loading resource:basis/io/encodings/korean/korean.factor
Loading resource:basis/io/encodings/korean/korean-docs.factor
:warnings - print 9 semantic warnings.
( scratchpad ) [ageld...@file ~]$ cd factor
[ageld...@file factor]$ git log|head -6
commit fc1199358c75167e880294a965ad09526664d091
Author: Yun, Jonghyouk <ageld...@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Feb 28 15:57:14 2009 +0900

    io.encodings.korean cp949, johab encode-char/decode-char refactoring...

[ageld...@file factor]$ uname -a
Linux ************* 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 19:46:53 EDT 2007
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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