Hugh Aguilar <> wrote:
> largely because it supports mixed-precision arithmetic. Even in the 1980s
> when Forth was compiling to threaded code and C was compiling to
> machine-code, Forth still beat C in speed when used in applications that
> involved a lot of arithmetic (nowadays most Forth systems compile to
> machine-code and often beat C on all manner of applications).

Most of the benchmarks the Forth compiler vendors post don't make that
claim. Usually they claim to produce a more maintainable system while
still achieving high speed and extremely small image size.

> I said in the book that Factor makes an excellent prototyping language for
> Forth. The programmer can get a prototype working in Factor, and only
> concern himself with the integer-overflow issue when he is porting it to
> Forth for the production version. This is better than trying to write a
> program from scratch, which involves a lot of high-level thinking, while
> simultaneously dealing with a lot of low-level issues --- as done in Forth
> right now.

Now, that's an interesting perspective. When doing that, one should be
aware of two things: first, that's not what Chuck Moore would do, and
second, that's not what Slava would do. Slava doesn't really have a
Forth background, so Factor often has some very primitive differences
which would make a port painful. Chuck, of course, would practice what
he calls "thoughtful programming"; one of the first practices is to
use your programming language as a notation system, both to clarify
your thought and to clarify your notation. Switching languages in
mid-problem doesn't seem like a strong practice in that respect.

Aside from that, it's risky to port from a language with garbage
collection to a language that prefers static memory structures (and
that's only the start of the differences).

> It seems to me that Factor is tied to Forth because you decided to use a
> Forth-like syntax (rather than a Lisp-like or Java-like syntax) --- and the
> only reason for using Forth-like syntax was to support Factor/Forth ports.

I'm certain you're mistaken here. Slava wasn't imitating Forth. He did
not use a Forth-like syntax; if anything, he used a Joy-like one.

> When Factor diverges too far from Forth syntax however, then Factor betrays
> the very purpose of Factor. Factor can be a super-Forth, that supports
> dynamic-OOP and garbage-collection and other niceties that Forth doesn't
> provide (because they would be too slow), but it should still continue to be
> a Forth.

As a Forth programmer FAR more than a Factor programmer, I know that
this is not an accurate or useful characterization. Factor is NOT a
super-Forth; it's not even a superset of a partial Forth. It's a
completely different language running on a completely different
machine model. The only thing it shares in common with Forth is the
general idea of a concatenative language, and at that, Forth was never
meant to be a concatenative language.

> Even if you like Joy, with its DIP and all that, this is immaterial
> to the main purpose of programming, which is to write hella-fast programs.
> That is what the customer wants.

There's more than "hella fast" to a programming language; if that were
all, we'd never have left assemblers. Heck, my customer wants Java


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