Hi everyone. I guess I just missed the big 0.92 release, but here's
something to look forward to in Factor 0.93: I hacked up the deploy
tool to now include application icons, resource files, and dependent
dll/so/dylib files in the deployed app directory. A new metadata file,
"resources.txt", can now be specified in a vocabulary directory; this
file contains a newline-separated list of filenames (e.g. foo.txt),
glob patterns (*.aiff), or directory names to recursively include when
an app that uses the vocabulary is deployed. If the vocabulary
directory contains an "icon.ico" (for Windows) or "icon.icns" (for
MacOS X) file, that icon file will be embedded in the generated
executable as the application icon. FFI libraries can call a new word
"deploy-library" after their add-library call to indicate to Factor
that their supporting shared library file needs to be bundled with
applications that use it.

With these three features, you should now be able to use the deploy
tool to build a standalone application, complete with all its
dependent resource files and libraries, without any manual
post-deployment file manager work. Pull the latest git sources to play
with it. "gpu.demos.raytrace" now demonstrates all of the features,
but you'll need OpenAL and an OpenGL 3.0 capable graphics driver to
run it.


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