Joe Groff <> wrote:
> Jon Harper <> wrote:
>> - Why isn't already in the library ? Do multi-dimensional arrays
> I think because arrays-of-arrays have been sufficient so far.
> Two-dimensional arrays aren't needed all that often, and
> higher-dimensional arrays hardly at all.

APL, J, and K programmers would disagree :-). If we don't have a
hammer, nothing looks like a nail.

I hope the answer is "because we're waiting for someone who really
knows multidimensional arrays to design the API." I can't help there,
but I know a couple of people who can, if they're willing (extensive
previous experience with array and concatenative languages).

> useless. If you want a packed multidimensional array type, it would be
> more robust to implement it as a virtual sequence over a
> single-dimensional array, where each element would be a slice of that
> array representing a row (or column).

The array language J stores multidimensional arrays as a "shape"
array, followed by a flattened array accessed by multiplying the
indices by the appropriate parts of the shape -- or, when one is
iterating over an array, by simply iterating over the flattened
version of the array (most operations in those array languages iterate
in that way).

(I don't know how K does this, because K supports ragged arrays, where
different elements can have different lengths; obviously, ragged
arrays can't be stored in that particular compact format.)

> -Joe


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