>       The current furnace paradigm has you creating many actions, then
>       sending quots to slots in them.  I've been working on something where 
> the
>       page uses a tuple and generics to process & render itself, and
>       a router determines which tuple to start with.  This all happens
>       through a single action.  So the crud operations for an object all 
> descend
>       from a general object tuple page, giving lots of places for overriding
>       behavior.
> The idea sounds well-factored.
Thanks.  It's been fun and a great way to learn.  On the other hand, you
can't give your html to a designer to have them make it prettier.

>      I'm not trying to make an argument that it's better, it just fits how
>       I think.  It's also not ready for prime time, but you asked, so I 
> answered
>       :)
>       A further squirrely thing I'm doing is generating the HTML &
>       unobtrusive JS
> What is unobtrusive JavaScript?
The dom events aren't coded within the html but require a javascript call to
hook in.  I maintain a few javascript queues during the build process, add a
request when I reneder the html for the object, then insert the queue
contents into the page at the appropriate time - some to the page load
event, some in the head, some at the end of the document.

>     along the way, rather than having any page artifacts that get parsed
>       (chloe) or filled (fhtml).  And I've written words to add to and reuse 
> the
>       tuple slot meta data.  This is the html/form generation for a subset of
>       fields in the tuple:
>               content-edit-fields
>               "Org Information" <HTML> <>LEGEND <>+
>               "org-fields" all-id
>               <>FIELDSET <>BR
>               "Save" button <>submit+
>               "org" all-id
>               <>form
>       yields:
> *http://paste.factorcode.org/paste?id=2044*<http://paste.factorcode.org/paste?id=2044>
> I saved down the form and dropped it on Chrome and saw a reasonable 4-field
> form in a group box with a save button below the group box.   How do I
> learn more about this scheme and what you have in mind for it?  Is there a
> blog describing the idea in more detail?
I am still very much a newbie here, crippled by my lack of formal CS
training - I barely understand most of the conversations :)  A lot of it was
written before I knew what I now know, and I am trying to get an actual
project launched before I have time to go back and make it
non-embarrassing.  I also would like to pay my dues by helping with existing
documentation and examples, rather than adding yet another approach to an
already large body of library code.  Sadly, I still haven't built factor on
my daily (work) xp pc.  You may be an inspiration for that.

In context, I thought I was mentioning it after I had counseled you to try a
factor code-compile-test cycle that wasn't perfectly what you desired to
just get going and have fun.  I just didn't want you to think I was trying
to shut down non-orthodox ideas - factor to me represents just the
opposite.  Which I remember as a problem with forth - everyone did
everything their own way and reinvented many wheels, so it was too hard to
get started for a casual person.

>  Shaping
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