On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Mute clown <withnom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Never used a mailing list before, got kinda pushed into using it since for 
> some reason i cant talk in IRC.
You need to register a name and identify yourself to be able to talk
on the irc channel. =

> I am trying to learn how to use factor, the whole stack oriented, 
> concatenative programming is alien to me. I am trying to implement Herons 
> Formula, to work out the area of a triangle:
> Area = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))
> s = a+b+c /2
> I've sort of worked out how to do s:
> : dev2 ( d -- s ) 2 / ;
> : sem ( a b c -- s ) + + dev2 ;
> Problem 1:
> IDK why the following doesn't work.
> : sem ( a b c -- s ) dup + + dev2 ;
You have something mixed up here. When you write a word with stack
effect "( a b c -- s )", it means the word is expected to be called
with a b c on the stack in this order, removes them from the stack,
and put s on the stack. So your previous implementation of sem is the
correct one.
Based on the second problem, I'd say you want to use 3dup, but that's
just a guess of what you're trying to do with your "dup".

> Problem 2:
> say i get the above problem fixed(use dup before calling the word)
> I dont know how to proceed with the current stack:
> -bottom of the stack-
> a
> b
> c
> s
> -top of the stack-
> i've tried various words to modify the top of the stack but, can't seem to 
> arrange it into a way so i can compute what i need.
First of all, when you have problems with the stack, you can still use
locals: http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-locals.html

Here are possible ways to write the function. The concatenative
version might not be the most readable solution though...

USING: arrays infix kernel locals math math.functions sequences ;

: sem ( a b c -- s ) + + 2 / ;
: heron ( a b c -- area ) [ sem ] 3keep 0 4array [ - ] with map product sqrt ;

:: heron1 ( a b c -- area )
    a b c sem :> s
    s s a - s b - s c - * * * sqrt ;

:: heron2 ( a b c -- area )
    a b c sem :> s
    [infix sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) infix] ;

Hope this helps :)


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