On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:

> factcheck fully functional
> https://github.com/mcandre/factcheck
> How should I package it so that others can install it?
> How does one install a Factor package?

The Factor community's pretty tiny, so we just throw everything under extra/ in 
the main Factor repository. Set up your module as follows:

- implementation in extra/factcheck/factcheck.factor
- write unit tests and put them in extra/factcheck/factcheck-tests.factor
- (optional but recommended) write docs and put them in 
- put your name in extra/factcheck/authors.txt
- put some newline-separated tags in extra/factcheck/tags.txt

> How does one load the code from a Factor package (is USE/USING enough)?

Once the module is properly set up under extra, USING: factcheck ; will be 


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