> I get a kernel-error trying to run the first smoke-test (5 K_n), with
> Graphviz 2.28.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.1 x86_64.  And running "graphviz" test
> causes Factor to quit unexpectedly... which might be a different bug?

I hate Graphviz.  I really, really do.

I'm not sure about the kernel-error, but if the unexpected quitting is anything
like previous issues I've come across, their source code habitually calls
exit(), which kills the UI listener since they share the same process (I
experimented once with forking the FFI calls, but that's a no-go on Windows,
so).  If you -run=listener to test, you might be able to see if a message gets
printed by Graphviz to stderr.  Maybe that'll give us more info?

(If it's further similar to other problems I've had with Graphviz, the error
message will be a single line buried in some undocumented corner of some messy
source code that hasn't been discussed anywhere that's indexed by Google.  Joy.
I hope for Graphviz's sake that I'm just really incompetent at reading C code.)

Thanks for testing,
--Alex Vondrak
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