Here are some words you might want to research:

Remember that you can't test code that uses stdin on the listener, since it
doesn't emulate stdin well.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:22 PM, P. <> wrote:

> If we ignore the fact that that looks like a weird program for someone to
> want to replicate in any language... ;)
> ... then what ?key seems to be is a non-blocking stdin-read function.
> I don't know if Factor has non-blocking peek/read, to be honest.
> So I guess I'm not of any help beyond naming the thing you want. :)
> rien
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:14 PM, John Porubek <> wrote:
>> I'm having fun learning Factor and imagining the cool things I'll be
>> able to do with it someday. But for now, most of my coding involves
>> translating simple things I've done before in Forth. Sometimes this
>> can be frustrating. For example, in Forth I might have the following:
>> : foo  begin ." Hi" ?key until ;
>> If I execute foo, it will print 'Hi' continuously until I hit a key
>> (any key). My roughly analogous attempt in Factor is:
>> : foo  ( -- ) [ 1 read "q" = not ] [ "Hi" print ] while ;
>> This is problematic for a couple of reasons. For one, I have to enter
>> a <cr> to have it print 'Hi'. For another, I have to enter the test
>> for a specific character ('q' in this case) to break out of the loop.
>> I read about key gestures, but they seem like overkill for what I'm
>> looking for. Is there a simple way to get the functionality Forth's
>> 'key?' offers in Factor? Or, if I have to use key gestures, what's the
>> simplest possible way to use them?
>> Thanks,
>> --John
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