"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain

I'm very pleased to announce the release of Factor 0.95!  You can
find download links on the Factor website:


This release is brought to you with over 2,500 commits by the following

    Alex Vondrak, Alfredo Beaumont, Andrew Pennebaker, Anton Gorenko,
    Brennan Cheung, Chris Double, Daniel Ehrenberg, Doug Coleman, Eric
    Charlebois, Eungju Park, Hugo Schmitt, Joe Groff, John Benediktsson,
    Jon Harper, Keita Haga, Maximilian Lupke, Philip Searle, Philipp
    Brüschweiler, Rupert Swarbrick, Sascha Matzke, Slava Pestov,
    @8byte-jose, @yac, @otoburb, @rien

In addition to lots (and lots!) of bug fixes and improvements, I want to
highlight the following features:

* GTK-based UI backend
* Native image loaders using Cocoa, GTK, and GDI+
* Sampling profiler replacing counting profiler
* Code coverage tool to improve unit tests
* VM and application-level signal handlers
* ICMP support and an IPv4 "ping" implementation
* DNS client and "host" implementation
* Support frexp and log of "really big numbers"
* Cross-platform "open URL in webbrowser"
* Cross-platform "send file to trash"
* Speedup bignum GCD and ratio operations
* Speedup in thread yield performance on Mac OS X
* CSV library is 3x faster
* XML library is 2x faster
* JSON library is 2-3x faster
* Many documentation improvements
* Many stability and performance enhancements

Some possible backwards compatibility issues:

* Change alien references from "<int>" to "int <ref>" and "*int" to "int deref"
* Removed Windows CE, BSD, and Solaris platform support
* Natively support binary (0b), octal (0o), and hexadecimal (0x) number syntax
* Unify "( -- )" and "(( -- ))" stack effect syntax
* Change prepend to return type of first sequence to match append behavior
* Change ".factor-rc" to be ".factor-rc" on all platforms
* Cleanup specialized array syntax to be more generic and consistent
* Change to quadratic probing instead of linear probing in hashtables
* Allow dispatching on anonymous intersections/unions

For more details, please see the full announcement at:


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