Here are some random tips from me. I'm also a Factor newbie so take it
with a grain of salt:

 * Don't use vectors because normal sequences works just as well.
 * Be functional! Avoid words that mutate data structures because they
make the code harder to reason about.

F.e. this piece of code in mdls:

    "mdls" 1vector swap suffix!

can be written as just:

    "mdls" swap 2array

Another example is your mdutil word:

    :: (mdutil) ( flags on|off volume root/owner -- seq )
        root/owner 1vector "-" flags append suffix!
        "-i" suffix! on|off suffix! volume suffix!

It's a great showcase for local variables but can be better written
without array mutations:

    :: mdutil ( flags on|off volume root/owner -- seq )
        root/owner flags "-" prepend "-i" on|off volume 5 narray

2013/11/13 CW Alston <>:
>  I've posted a new gist for spotlight.factor w/ filename & Factor
> formatting.
> I think I dealt with most of Alex's red-lines, & I shed the string
> constants.
> The whole thing is much shorter. The included examples work on my machine.
>  The file can be USE:d from the listener if you give it a folder in your
> 'work'.
>  After a long divagation, looks like I've wound up back where John & Alex
> suggested I start, 3 weeks ago. Well, like I was warned in the Boy Scouts,
> when you wander lost in the woods, you tend to go 'round in circles.
> Just couldn't see how to get on from there without a compass (or native
> guides),
> & I did learn a lot along the way. Still needs some improvement (maybe bug
> fixes, too).
>  In particular, I'd like to memoize an API call to
> MDSchemaCopyAllAttributes(),
> but I'm better at Chinese than C. Pointers on alien-invoke, or what else to
> use?

mvh/best regards Björn Lindqvist

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