On Wed, Feb 4, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Björn Lindqvist wrote:
> Hi Benjamin,
> The reason for that is because the local variables are syntactic sugar
> over the load/drop/get-locals calls you are seeing. E.g:


> I believe the general way to solve the problem is source maps -- You
> include the original source of the word when debugging and then for
> each stepping point in the words quotation, you map to a line number
> and char position in the source code. ergs parser branch could make
> adding such features easier.

Well, I guess that's what I was asking.  So the immediate answer is
that, no, the walker doesn't currently work via source maps; it's
working by instrumenting the non-optimizing compiler.  Implementing what
I want would therefore involve introducing source maps and doing a
fairly heavy rework of the walker to use them.

I don't think this is a project I'm keen on right now, but I'll file it
away for revisiting if I keep using Factor as heavily over the next
couple of months as I've been using it for the past couple of weeks.


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