Greetings, folks -
In an idle moment, I pasted this snippet of example code
from the page, just for fun:

USING: io kernel sequences
http.client xml xml.traversal ;

""; http-get nip string>xml
"a" deep-tags-named
[ "href" attr ] map
[ print ] each

! this breaks in string>xml w/ the error:

line   105
column 0
open   T{ name f "" "br" ""; }
close  T{ name f "" "body" ""; }
Mismatched tags
Opening tag: <br>
Closing tag: </body>

! but closing <br> w/ </br> (as per XHTML ??):

USING: io kernel sequences
http.client xml xml.traversal
splitting ;

""; http-get nip
"<br>" "<br> </br>" replace string>xml
"a" deep-tags-named
[ "href" attr ] map
[ print ] each

! ...succeeds

The entry for <br> in w3schools 'tags' reference
<> reads:

"Definition and Usage

The <br> tag inserts a single line break.

The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.

Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

Differences Between HTML and XHTML

In HTML, the <br> tag has no end tag.

In XHTML, the <br> tag must be properly closed, like this: <br />."

However, inserting
    "<br>" "<br> < />" replace string>xml
    "<br>" "<br> </>" replace string>xml
still breaks in string>xml, but inserting
    "<br>" "<br> </br>" replace string>xml
works fine for me.

Is this just a consequence of the Factor code running on my ancient
OS X 10.6.8 system (Snow Leopard lives!), or differences between
XHTML, HTML 4.01, and HTML5, or a wacky description at w3schools?
Can anyone enlighten me on this, regarding the usage of string>xml?

Much grass,

*~ Memento Amori*
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