Hi all-
I've been making good use of the TF-IDF search engine (from the
utilities at https://github.com/mrjbq7/re-factor).

After upgrading (on July 6 2015) to:
Factor 0.98 x86.32 (1631, heads/master-0-g16abe47, Wed Jun 17 21:18:37 2015)
[Clang (GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53))] on macosx

Factor 0.98 x86.32 (1569, heads/master-0-g1d1ef90, Thu Apr  9 13:07:50 2015)
[Clang (GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57))] on macosx

I found that a newer definition of ``assoc-merge'' in assocs-extras breaks
the compile of a couple of words in the tf-idf vocab:

IN: scratchpad  USING: tf-idf  ; ! (current version)

Asset: scores

Stack effect declaration is wrong
( x x x -- x )
( query db -- scores )

Asset: index-all

Stack effect declaration is wrong
( x x -- x )
( assoc -- index )

Here are the pertinent definitions:
: scores ( query db -- scores )
    [ >lower split-words ] dip '[ _ tf-idf ] map assoc-merge ;

: index1 ( path words -- path index )
    histogram [ pick swap 2array ] assoc-map ;

: index-all ( assoc -- index )
    [ index1 ] assoc-map values assoc-merge ;

The problem traces to the newer definition of ``assoc-merge'' in the

- new definition:
USING: assocs kernel math ;
IN: assocs.extras  ! NEW
: assoc-merge ( assoc1 assoc2 -- newassoc )
    [ [ [ assoc-size ] bi@ + ] [ drop ] 2bi new-assoc ] 2keep
    [ assoc-merge! ] bi@ ;

USING: assocs assocs.private kernel ;
IN: assocs.extras  ! NEW
: assoc-merge! ( assoc1 assoc2 -- assoc1 )
    over [ push-at ] with-assoc assoc-each ;

- old definition (in my previous Factor version):
USING: kernel sequences ;
IN: assocs.extras ! OLD
: assoc-merge ( seq -- merge )
    H{ } clone [ (assoc-merge) ] reduce ;

USING: assocs assocs.private kernel ;
IN: assocs.extras ! OLD
: (assoc-merge) ( assoc1 assoc2 -- assoc1 )
    over [ push-at ] with-assoc assoc-each ;

- This solution works for me, defining:
: (assoc-merge) ( assoc1 assoc2 -- assoc1 ) ! from old Factor version
    over [ push-at ] with-assoc assoc-each ;

: seq-assoc-merge ( seq -- merge )
    H{ } clone [ (assoc-merge) ] reduce ;

- Or just defining ``seq-assoc-merge'' using the new ``assoc-merge!'':
: seq-assoc-merge ( seq -- merge )
    H{ } clone [ assoc-merge! ] reduce ;

With these definitions, replacing ``assoc-merge'' w/ ``seq-assoc-merge'' in
the tf-idf vocab, ``scores'' and ``index-all'' compile properly again, in
the upgrade.

Just a heads up, in case anyone tries out the tf-idf vocab (highly
recommended; a lot
of fun figuring out how it works, and good results using it).


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