Judging by the binary name "factor-lang" you have the factor package
installed from my ppa. But it appears that you have a fresher image
coming from github. You probably can't mix the two versions like that.
You can try and run:

"resource:db" absolute-path

in the listener. It should show you a directory containing the
db.factor file. If it doesn't something is wrong. Also swap the order
of the command line arguments, it should be:
-i=/home/pub/factor/project.image -run=project.

2015-07-26 12:35 GMT+02:00 Georg Simon <georg.si...@auge.de>:
> Factor 0.98 x86.64 (1565, heads/master-0-g592764d, Wed Dec 24 04:52:05
> 2014) [GCC 4.8.2] on linux
> .factor-rc
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> USE: vocabs.loader
> "/home/factor/" add-vocab-root
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I want to use snapshots without touching "factor.image".
> I made two copies of "factor.image" one in the same directory and one
> in my local directory. Using the copy in my local directory causes an
> error "Vocabulary does not exist".
> In the following copy from my terminal the vocabulary "project" seems
> to do nothing as it's UI worked as expected:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> $ diff /home/pub/factor/project.image project.image
> $ factor-lang -run=project -i=/home/pub/factor/project.image
> $ factor-lang -run=project -i=project.image
> /home/factor/project/project.factor
>  9: USING:
> 10:     combinators db db.sqlite fry io kernel memory models
>                       ^
> Vocabulary does not exist
> name
>  "db"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How should I use snapshots?
> -- Georg
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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mvh/best regards Björn Lindqvist

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