In our environment, we sometime have a folder with
as many as a couple million files in it.

(1) the word: each-file ( path bfs? quot -- )
     Does it handle a file successively by quot without first gathering all
     the file-paths in the path ?

(2) what is the idiomatic way to get the total file size for all files
     in a folder (and its sub-folders) ?
     Using each-file in (1), I am forced to set up a global 'variable'


     If I would to process a big file to collect some info, I could write:

     "path-to-file"  ascii  [  V{ }  [ quot ]  each-line  ]

     The collected info is on the stack after the above finishes.


     To go through a huge directory (folder),
     do you know if the current factor can set up something similar ?

HP Wei
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