
27.05.2016, 20:00, "Björn Lindqvist" <bjou...@gmail.com>:
> Try defining <ThreadProc> like this:
> : <ThreadProc> ( -- alien ) DWORD { LPVOID } stdcall [ ] alien-callback ;

  Tried this, see below.

  I'm now at home, trying these things on Win 8.1 64-bit, on a freshly 
bootstrapped Factor. (For some reason the build.cmd produced a 32-bit 
executable, even though I'm on a 64-bit system.) The Windows Error Reporting 
tool (WerFault.exe) says that an exception is happening. Sometimes I get to see 
some kind of dumps in the console, sometimes not.

  Here's my code:

USING: kernel windows.kernel32 
    alien alien.data alien.syntax windows.types ;
IN: my-thd

LIBRARY: kernel32

                                SIZE_T dwStackSize,
                                LPVOID lpStartAddress,
                                LPVOID lpParameter,
                                DWORD dwCreationFlags,
                                LPDWORD lpThreadId )

CALLBACK: DWORD ThreadProc ( LPVOID lpParameter )

: <ThreadProc> ( -- alien )
  [ [ t ] [ ] while ] ThreadProc ;

: <ThreadProc-2> ( -- alien )
  DWORD { LPVOID } stdcall [ ] alien-callback ;

: <ThreadProc-3> ( -- alien )
  DWORD { LPVOID } stdcall [ [ t ] [ ] while ] alien-callback ;

: start-thd ( -- hnd )
    f 0 <ThreadProc> f 0 f CreateThread ;

: start-thd-2 ( -- hnd )
    f 0 <ThreadProc-2> f 0 f CreateThread ;

: start-thd-3 ( -- hnd )
    f 0 <ThreadProc-3> f 0 f CreateThread ;

  Test runs and results:
  start-thd: the app sometimes dies with no output. WerFault sometimes reports 
Exception Code c0000409, which Googles to "Stack buffer overflow", and 
sometimes c0000005, which is "access violation". Sometimes I see a console 
dump, which starts with "fatal_error: Memory protection fault during gc: 

  start-thd-2: most of the time dies with no output, but once I saw the text 
"Error in print-error!" on the console.

  start-thd-3: most of the time dies with no output, but once I saw a message 
box with "Memory protection fault at address 0x105" in it.

  Can you help me? I need more code to try.


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