
  I'm having a weird problem with the benchmark word on my WinXP SP3 32-bit 
machine, running the latest Factor from Github master.

  The benchmark word reports times under or about 1 second (1,000,000,000) for 
some piece of code, but the actual run time of the quotation is always about 
5-6 seconds.

  For example, here's a sketch of a test session, without restarting a Factor 
instance, done in the following order.

  This code would show running time < 1 sec:

[ do-smth ] benchmark

  Then this code would show the correct wall time for both the time word and 
the benchmark word:

[ [ do-smth ] time ] benchmark

  This would show the correct timing for both words as well:

[ [ do-smth ] benchmark ] time

  Finally, returning to this code again measures incorrectly (< 1 sec):

[ do-smth ] benchmark

  Has anyone experienced anything like this before?

  Replacing [ do-smth ] with [ now do-smth now ] shows the correct time in all 
cases, and by calculating difference I can see that benchmark calculates 
incorrectly. But I can't figure out the reason.

  On the other hand, replacing [ do-smth ] with [ nano-count do-smth nano-count 
] I see that benchmark is right. So, the problem is that for some reason 
nano-count returns lower time difference for the code I run, depending on the 
way I run it - with or without the "time" word.


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