24.10.2016, 19:08, "Onorio Catenacci" <catena...@ieee.org>:

Oh--ok. So I could tack on a "0 >" (minus the quotes of course) at
the end and that'd work out. In fact that's exactly what I want. :)

Nope, `f 0 >` would throw an exception.
You could use `>boolean` if you want strictly a `t` or `f` return value.
`f >boolean` -> `f`
`641 >boolean` -> `t`
Alternatively, if you turn my code into a function word, you'd subsequently check its result with an `if` or `when` or whatever. In that case the integer return value would work exactly as the `t` value, no conversion necessary.

Yes, you can automate data entry into a website with Selenium.
They've got bindings for C#, Java, Python and a few other languages.
I was hoping that maybe someone had started an FFI for Factor because
I'm really digging what I see in Factor so far. :)

Yeah, Factor is pretty cool, I agree. : )
I see you are with IEEE. That's cool, too : )
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