Thanks to everyone who responded!
I'm currently trying my luck with the pdf stream writer. It looks very good.
I'm missing some functionality in table formatting. Is there a way to right-align a cell in `tabular-output`?
It seems there is no style for `right-align` (or I could not find it). What would it take for me to implement it? Where to look? Did anyone try and found that too difficult, or was there no need in that so far?
20.12.2016, 19:36, "John Benediktsson" <>:
The PDF stream writer works pretty well for what I wanted it for, allowing you to output using our formatted stream protocol (e.g. ``stream-format``) with font sizes and colors etc. specified.  The main entry point for that is ``with-pdf-writer``, then when the quotation (which should print / write / format stuff output) finishes the object on the stack is the pdf, which would need to be written to file something like:
    [ ... ] with-pdf-writer pdf>string
    /path/to/output.pdf utf8 set-file-contents
It doesn't currently support things like setting page numbers and header and footers, and table support could be a bit better, but the building blocks are there if you wanted to.
If that doesn't provide what you need, other ideas are to wrap the many PDF libraries available in many other languages.
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