
  I'm trying to make sense of some disassembled code. Could someone help me out 

IN: scratchpad [ 256 <iota> [ drop ] each ] disassemble
0000001a8dbcdfc0: 89053a30e8fe  mov [rip-0x117cfc6], eax             ! What's 
0000001a8dbcdfc6: b800010000    mov eax, 0x100
0000001a8dbcdfcb: 31db          xor ebx, ebx
0000001a8dbcdfcd: 4983c610      add r14, 0x10
0000001a8dbcdfd1: e909000000    jmp 0x1a8dbcdfdf (( gensym ) + 0x1f)
0000001a8dbcdfd6: 48ffc3        inc rbx
0000001a8dbcdfd9: 89052130e8fe  mov [rip-0x117cfdf], eax             ! What's 
0000001a8dbcdfdf: 4839c3        cmp rbx, rax
0000001a8dbcdfe2: 0f8ceeffffff  jl dword 0x1a8dbcdfd6 (( gensym ) + 0x16)
0000001a8dbcdfe8: 4983ee10      sub r14, 0x10
0000001a8dbcdfec: 89050e30e8fe  mov [rip-0x117cff2], eax             ! What's 
0000001a8dbcdff2: c3            ret 
0000001a8dbcdff3: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdff5: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdff7: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdff9: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdffb: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdffd: 0000          add [rax], al
0000001a8dbcdfff: 00            invalid 

  The lines like `mov [rip-0x117cfdf], eax` I read as "copy the contents of the 
EAX register to a memory location pointed to by a memory address relative to 
the current Instruction Pointer register (rIP)". Am I right? If so, why is that 
being done inside the loop, and twice at the procedure entry and exit?

  Also, why is the register r14 incremented by 0x10 on entry, and decremented 
on exit? What is r14 used for?


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