Hi all!

Yesterday I was trying to create this adjacency system for one of the games I'm 
working on.  I have no idea if this will stay like this,  but, at the time, it 
sure felt like I was trying to jam first class words into Factor,  and I'd like 
to know if there's a better method.

The goal of this snippet of code is to take some originating coordinates on the 
stack like 40 40 and convert it into the adjacent square coordinates in my 
grid.  So from 40 40 we might get a sequence back like { { 0 0 } { 80 0 } { 0 
80 } { 80 80 } } describing the coordinates of squares adjacent ( in the corner 
going diagonally ).  I obviously didn't want to rewrite adjacent 4 times with a 
different combination of +'s and -'s so I instead wrote it as you see here.

> :: adjacent ( x y ex ex2 -- quot )
>     [ x grid-size get ex execute ,
>       y grid-size get ex2 execute , ] { } make ; inline
> : upper-left ( x y -- seq )
>     \ - \ - adjacent ;
> : upper-right ( x y -- seq )
>     \ + \ - adjacent ;
> : bottom-left ( x y -- seq )
>     \ - \ + adjacent ;
> : bottom-right ( x y -- seq )
>     \ + \ + adjacent ;
> ! player-sym is just a tuple holding the players state
> ! Whatever direction the player is facing is the side
> ! we want him to be able to grab items from.
> : player-direction-squares ( -- squares )
>     player-sym get direction>>
>     {
>         { "left"   [ { bottom-left upper-left       } ]  }
>         { "right" [ { bottom-right upper-right  } ] }
>     } case ;
> ! square-coordinates ( square -- x y )
> : adjacent-squares ( square -- list )
>     square-coordinates [ rot execute( x y -- seq ) ] 2curry
>     player-direction-squares
>     swap map ; inline

In this way,  depending on which direction the player is facing, finding the 
adjacent squares  is literally a matter of mapping over the words themselves 
rather than the data.  Since it would look like...

> { "bottom-left" "upper-left" } [ x y rot execute( x y -- seq ) ] map

The question for me becomes,  is this an over-complicated way of achieving a 
simple effect?  I wonder if there's a way to do it like lisp-macros where I can 
just syntactically insert the words I want without evaluating them.  In any 
case,  I'm mostly posting this to see if I'm going off the deep end of only 
having a problem because I'm thinking about the issue the wrong way or if this 
genuinely is the right direction to go in trying to solve a problem like this 
in Factor.  Either way it was fun to try to make without repeating myself 4 

I'm working on a Factor/Raylib book right now (132 pages/36k words ATM) using 
games in the likeness of Realm of Racket or Land of Lisp in order to teach the 
use of Factor and accrue general dominance upon the phonetically entangled 
(lispers).  This one is called Fields of Factor and tells the story of a 
journey through a rather surreal field, filled with emotional centurions, wise 
tortoises, and anti-Platonic chickens.  There is also a touching first hand 
discourse on the violent oppression of poets in 19th century London as related 
by a dream.  With this backdrop to help excite the readers imagination, there 
be 4 games we make, and I'm on the second one right now.  Their order is 
somewhat laid out like the following.

- (First game) Primitive,  no OOP, a variety of different methods illustrated 
like recursion, combinators, and use of the hash-table/assoc.  Another game 
based on this game is made by the reader through a guided exercise;  this game 
is much simpler than the one explained in the book but has many of the same 
- (Second) OOP and Macros with some focus on solving one of the core problems 
using sets.  Takes some code from the first game and builds on it.
- (Third) Hopefully, 3D and physics based.  Introduces less new concepts from 
Factor itself to focus on game design.
- (Fourth) Logic programming and basic AI.  I'll probably have to make a port 
of mini-kanren into Factor.

I do intend, in some manner, that it act as a newbie guide built by a newbie 
himself.  In that regard I've adopted the presentation of some philosophy in 
the book regarding the iterative process of design in action.  That is,  I want 
the reader to appreciate the fancier tools Factor provides by first starting 
with the more primitive and working upwards.  It's been a lot of fun so far 
since there is a loose story contained in the book and I love writing 
creatively.  Perhaps I'm not the most qualified to write it, but I have learned 
a lot so far by having to drudge through documentation and experiment.  It'd be 
a shame not  to try to eliminate that for others trying to learn the language.

Copiously Caffeinated,

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