It's probably to set the default / initial size of the gadget.

Some gadgets do it by overriding the ``pref-dim*`` word like so:

    ./extra/tetris/tetris.factor:M: tetris-gadget pref-dim* drop { 200 400
} ;

And a few do it by setting it like that... I think the ``pref-dim*``
approach was the intended approach, but even the ``MAIN-WINDOW:`` word sets
the pref-dim slot on the world for its initial size (and the world is a
track gadget...).

I kind of think a constructor type word should be able to just do { 200 400
} >>pref-dim and then later that slot can be changed dynamically, etc...

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 5:15 AM Georg Simon <> wrote:

>,ui.gadgets.html says
> "pref-dim -
> a cached value for pref-dim; do not read or write this slot directly."
> But in extra/gesture-logger/gesture-logger.factor
> and extra/rosetta-code/animate-pendulum/animate-pendulum.factor
> I find
> { 450 500 } >>pref-dim
> and
> { 500 500 } >>pref-dim
> What is right ?
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