> 2019/09/22 20:21、Alexander Ilin <ajs...@yandex.ru>のメール:
> I use `loop` or `while`, depending on the details.

Hello. Thank you for your answer.

I rewrote my program using `loop 'and `while'. The library I'm currently 
building is an extended port from Ruby's one, and I used `with-return`
to mimic the code. 

The use of `with-return` in this code, which does a lot of repetition, 
seems to have been a very bad choice. 
The zebra puzzle is now running about 20 times faster than before.

USING: factor-logica lists ;
IN: factor-logica.test.zebra
LOGIC-PREDS: houseso neighboro zebrao watero nexto lefto ;
SYMBOLS: red blue green white yellow ;
SYMBOLS: english swede dane norwegian german ;
SYMBOLS: dog cat birds horse zebra ;
SYMBOLS: tea coffee beer milk water ;
SYMBOLS: pall-mall dunhill blue-master prince blend ;
TUPLE: house color nationality drink smoke pet ;

{ houseso Hs X Y } {        
    { (=) Hs L{                                                            ! #1
          T{ house f _ norwegian _ _ _ }                                   ! #10
          T{ house f blue _ _ _ _ }                                        ! #15
          T{ house f _ _ milk _ _ } _ _ } }                                ! #9
    { membero T{ house f red english _ _ _ } Hs }                          ! #2
    { membero T{ house f _ swede _ _ dog } Hs }                            ! #3
    { membero T{ house f _ dane tea _ _ } Hs }                             ! #4
    { lefto T{ house f green _ _ _ _ } T{ house f white _ _ _ _ } Hs }     ! #5
    { membero T{ house f green _ coffee _ _ } Hs }                         ! #6
    { membero T{ house f _ _ _ pall-mall birds } Hs }                      ! #7
    { membero T{ house f yellow _ _ dunhill _ } Hs }                       ! #8
    { nexto T{ house f _ _ _ blend _ } T{ house f _ _ _ _ cat } Hs }       ! #11
    { nexto T{ house f _ _ _ dunhill _ } T{ house f _ _ _ _ horse } Hs }   ! #12
    { membero T{ house f _ _ beer blue-master _ } Hs }                     ! #13
    { membero T{ house f _ german _ prince _ } Hs }                        ! #14
    { nexto T{ house f _ _ water _ _ } T{ house f _ _ _ blend _ } Hs }     ! #16
    { membero T{ house f _ X water _ _ } Hs }
    { membero T{ house f _ Y _ _ zebra } Hs }
} si

{ nexto A B Ls } {
    { appendo _ [ A B _ cons cons ] Ls } vel
    { appendo _ [ B A _ cons cons ] Ls }
} si

{ lefto A B Ls } { appendo _ [ A B _ cons cons ] Ls } si

IN: scratchpad  { houseso Hs X Y } query .
                T{ house
                    { color yellow }
                    { nationality norwegian }
                    { drink water }
                    { smoke dunhill }
                    { pet cat }
                T{ house
                    { color blue }
                    { nationality dane }
                    { drink tea }
                    { smoke blend }
                    { pet horse }
                T{ house
                    { color red }
                    { nationality english }
                    { drink milk }
                    { smoke pall-mall }
                    { pet birds }
                T{ house
                    { color green }
                    { nationality german }
                    { drink coffee }
                    { smoke prince }
                    { pet zebra }
                T{ house
                    { color white }
                    { nationality swede }
                    { drink beer }
                    { smoke blue-master }
                    { pet dog }
        { X norwegian }
        { Y german }
IN: scratchpad [ 1000 [ { houseso Hs X Y } query drop ] times ] time

Running time: 20.393989632 seconds


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