The only problem with Vedism is that it is a priestly religion for the elite, and so the average person can't relate to it. It's merely worship without whatever awareness evolution might come from that great word gnosis. The great thing about yoga which surely preceeded Vedism is that it showed us the soma within rather than the soma without, while the priests were still crushing it with stones, the yogi was making it with gall. Whether something remains for a long time or dies off is merely and nothing else, karma. Did it uplift the small and weak, and did it support self exploration?  for each new generation? And did it prevent the strong from overreaching like Ravanas or Raams? Did the religion pacify the sphere, or did it create more war and chaos.  My guess is that those which promote the greatest peace will have the greatest longevity, even though peace should be a rare concept. No religion on earth rivals ________ for promoting peace.  I won't even say it. Substitute your favorite, and see if it's true.
On the other hand is the holy stupa of the Vajrayana filled with relics and texts, all over the globe. Usually built to last against change in a final irony, that memorials every where are built to Shakyamuni and filled with relics the idea being to spread the Buddha's teachings forward to the future Buddha's time.  Hence the Matreya project of Lama Zopa in India. If people aren't aware they tour bone relics from very famous Buddhist personages. If you don't think you're a Buddhist then you must see them, and then realize that you've already prolly seen them tour the world before, and known some of these people firsthand in past lives I mean the sense of dejavu is great.  
As an aside, if you didn't know, stupas originally were offerings made at the place of someone great's death. Later people made stone cairns, and finally the process became ritualized for certain sages. Finally stupa building is natural as many times walking in nature I have seen small stone towers built as if merely to celebrate the beauty and present peace of the participants. These spontaneous dedications to the now seem to be the greatest and most open stupas, built as they were merely on impulse. It must have been the very nature of the moment to have been worshipped as greatness. My guess is the ritam or rigpa level was near the surface enough here to break through.
Hinduism and Yoga weren't as accessable even a hundred years ago for the inner explorer.  Buddhism taught meditation throughout most of the dark ages, so I wouldn't be surprised if many of you already been there done that.  At any rate. The religion will be preserved which makes the most sense, and which offers the greatest umbrella.  You can decide yourself.  If it works for you then the chances are that it can work for someone else. 
But will any religion outlast the psilocyben, the mescaline, the dmt, the Chronic Mz. Mary Jane. Nah Mon, prolly not!
----- Original Message -----
From: Vaj
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Ved "Superior" or "More Fundamental" Knowledge?

On Mar 12, 2005, at 1:30 PM, akasha_108 wrote:

> If Ved are the fundamental impulses of the universe -- then perhaps
> there is a stronger case for preeminance.

Not if it is a "long" lineage in the absence of a "short" line. Long
(very old) lines are hard to actualize and bring to fruition. The best
is to unify a short lineage of transmission with an old one. But if a
lineage, like the Vedic one, is not refreshed, they die and become

A tradition without new Gnosis/Jnana is a dead tradition.

Dead traditions almost always tend towards fundamentalism of some sort.

In the case of Neo-Vedism, Neo-Vedanta, Neo-Advaita and Neo-Hatha you
don't usually have a new revelation, just a rehash--often with a
commercial twist. And that just makes the death of a particular line
slower, although you can still squeeze some evolution out of it. An
exceptional person with the right purva-punya might just still awaken.
But make no mistake, these are systems in serious decline.

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