Title: More comments from the Amma chat list
It wouldn't surprise me if some of Amma's more rabidly Hindutva
followers have engaged in harsh wars of words with her critics -- you
know, fighting the good fight against the forces of darkness,
Arjuna-style -- but whether Amma or even her senior Swamis have
actually sanctioned threats (and of what type) is another issue
entirely.  As for the "mysterious deaths", those sound a lot like the
piles of bodies in Arkansas that the Clintons left in their wake,
according to the likes of Jerry Falwell.

I think one would have to go to Kerala and really dig around to figure
out whether these alarming-sounding claims have any merit.  As in
politics here in the US, there is often lots of hyperbole and outright
lying.  Remember the Swift Boat Liars for Truth?  Based on what a
friend of mine who has spent time in Kerala tells me, such phenomena
are even greater over there than in the US.


In response to:

>Rahima's Story
> (13-Dec-02)
> Swept up by "Mother-Love"

Cultism comes in shades of grey, and Amma's group isn't immune even
though she herself sets an extraordinarily positive example.  It's sad
that this young woman became disillusioned, but her story is, IMHO, a
good cautionary tale about failing to "approach in secret".  It sounds
like she relied too much on guidance from unenlightened senior
students, and too little on allowing the guru's grace to manifest and
guide from within.  However, if someone had told me this back when I
was in my 20's, I probably wouldn't have listened. 

Some lessons may just have to be learned.  At least this young woman
is fortunate not to have gotten involved with a genuine cult leader
type, who easily could have ruined her emotionally, sexually and
financially.  Some gurus, and students thereof, are more pure than
others, and only a maturing "inner guru" can make those distinctions.
  Otherwise, I guess it's just a matter of luck/grace/karma.

As for the huge organization .... it's kind of a drag, but how else
would a lot of people who have clearly benefited from Amma get to see her?


I do not think that Amma wants ALL her devotees to start giving up
all "worldly" relationships. Or even asks ALL her devotees to work
beyond exhaustion... or even asks them ALL to wear white. She in fact
enquires if I have made new friends every time I move to a new place.
And since I am careless about the way I dress, She once commented that
I had been wearing the same set of dresses for the past 5 years. And
then when She saw my mother in India (I am studying in the states),
Amma asked my mother to send me some new dresses.

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