The interesting thing about this article (from The Independent)  is that it 
how different Europe and the US are on this issue. In the UK, the battle 
against GM food has been almost won; in the US, it's already lost. 

The end for GM crops: Final British trial confirms threat to wildlife 

By Steve Connor, Michael McCarthy and Colin Brown

22 March 2005

Yet another nail was hammered into the coffin of the GM food industry in 
Britain yesterday when the final trial of a four-year series of experiments 
found, once more, that genetically modified crops can be harmful to wildlife.

The study was the fourth in a series that has, in effect, sealed the fate of GM 
the UK - at least in the foreseeable future. They showed the ultra-powerful 
weedkillers that the crops are engineered to tolerate would bring about further 
damage to a countryside already devastated by intensive farming.

Only one of the four farm-scale trials, which have gone on for nearly five 
years, showed that growing GM crops might be less harmful to birds, flowers 
and insects than the non-GM equivalent - and even that was attacked as 
flawed, because the weedkiller the particular conventional crop required was 
so destructive it was about to be banned by the EU.

Even so, a year ago the Government gave a licence for that crop - a maize 
known as Chardon LL, created by the German chemical group Bayer - to be 
grown in Britain, thus officially opening the way for the GM era in Britain, to 
loud protests from environmentalists.

However, only three weeks later Bayer withdrew its application, suggesting 
the regulatory climate would be too inhibiting. That followed the withdrawal 
from Europe of the world leader in GM crops, the American biotech giant 
Monsanto, which also seemed to have tired of the struggle.

Since then, the GM industry in Britain has withered on the vine, despite the 
fact that some members of the Government, and Tony Blair in particular, were 
privately great supporters of it from the outset. Official policy is portrayed 
being neutral and based simply on scientific advice.

But yesterday's results make it even less likely that other big agribusiness 
firms will want to come forward and go through the extensive testing process - 
and public opposition - that bringing a GM crop to market in Britain would 

Last night, the Conservatives spotted a political opportunity from the latest 
results and, this morning, the shadow Environment Secretary, Tim Yeo, will 
pledge to prevent any commercial planting of GM crops until science showed 
it would be safe for people and the environment, and there was a liability 
regime in place to deal with any cross-contamination.

Observers saw that as yet another Tory attempt to win over Middle England 
voters in the pre-election campaign.

The fourth and final mass experiment involving GM crops has found that they 
caused significant harm to wild flowers, butterflies, bees and probably 
songbirds. Results of the farm-scale trial of winter-sown oilseed rape raised 
further doubts about whether GM crops can ever be grown in Britain without 
causing further damage to the nation's wildlife.

Although the experiment did not look directly at the catastrophic demise of 
farmland birds over the past 50 years, ornithologists said the results 
suggested that growing GM oilseed rape would almost certainly exacerbate 
the problem.

David Gibbons, the head of conservation at the Royal Society for the 
Protection of Birds, said the herbicides used to spray GM rape killed broad-
leaved wild flowers such as chickweed and fat hen which are important to the 
diet of songbirds such as skylarks, tree sparrows and bullfinches.

"For most farmland birds, broad-leaved weeds are a particularly important 
part of their diet. There are a few birds that will take grass seeds but, by 
large, it would be hard to see how the loss of broad-leaved weeds would be 
beneficial to them," Dr Gibbons said. "Broad-leaved weeds are particularly 
important to farmland birds and the widespread cultivation of this crop, in 
way, would damage hopes of reversing their decline."

The trial of winter oilseed rape involved planting conventional and GM forms 
of the crop in adjacent plots at 65 sites across Britain. Scientists then 
monitored wild flowers, grasses, seeds, bees, butterflies and other 
invertebrates. Over the course of the three-year experiment, the scientists 
counted a million weeds, two million insects and made 7,000 field trips. 
Although they found similar overall numbers of weeds in the two types of crop, 
broad-leaved weeds such as chickweed were far fewer in the GM plots. The 
scientists counted fewer bees and butterflies in the GM plots compared to 
plots of conventional oilseed rape.

Les Firbank, of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Lancaster, who led 
the study, said that there was about one-third fewer seeds from broad-leaved 
flowers in the GM plots compared to fields with conventional oilseed rape.

"These differences were still present two years after the crop had been sown 
... So we've got a significant biological difference that is carrying on from 
season to season," he said.

GM oilseed rape is genetically designed to be resistant to a weedkiller that 
would kill the non-GM crop. It means that farmers are free to use broader-
spectrum herbicides.

The three previous farm-scale trials into crops investigated spring-sown 
oilseed rape, maize and beet. These showed that growing GM rape and GM 
beet did more harm to wildlife than their conventional counterparts.

"All of the evidence that we've got from the farm-scale evaluations points out 
that differences between the treatments are due to the herbicides. It's the 
nature of the chemicals and the timing at which the farming is done," Dr 
Firbank said.

Christopher Pollock, chairman of the scientific steering committee that 
oversaw the farm-scale trials, said: "What's good for the farmer is not always 
good for the natural populations of weeds, insects, birds and butterflies that 
share that space."

Farm-scale trials of GM crops are unique to Britain and represent the first 
that scientists have evaluated the environmental impact of a new farming 
practice before it has been introduced, Professor Pollock said. Results of the 
latest trial are published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

The Four Tests

Test 1: Spring-sown oilseed rape, October 2003

Nationwide tests found that biotech oilseed rape sown in the spring could be 
more harmful to many groups of wildlife than their conventional equivalent. 
There were fewer butterflies among modified crops, due to there being less 
weeds. Verdict: GM fails.

Test 2: Sugar beet, October 2003

The GM crop was found to be potentially more harmful to its environment than 
crops that were unmodified. Bees and butterflies were recorded more 
frequently around conventional crops, due to greater numbers of weeds. 
Verdict: GM fails.

Test 3: Maize, October 2003

The production of biotech maize was shown to be kinder to other plants and 
animals compared to conventional crops. More weeds grew around the 
biotech maize crops, attracting more butterflies, bees and weed seeds. 
Verdict: GM passes, but critics brand study as flawed.

Test 4: Winter-sown oilseed rape, March 2005

Tests showed that fields sown with the biotech crop had fewer broad-leaved 
weeds growing in them. This impacted on the numbers of bees and 
butterflies, which feed on such weeds. Verdict: GM fails.

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