Title: 100,000 pundits in India- massive yagya of 40 days to secure Sat Yuga
From a friend:

Here is news to cheer everyone up. Maharishi is right now assembling 100,000 pundits in India to do a massive yagya of 40 days duration, similar to the one that Guru Dev did in 1945 which was instrumental in ending World War II. The movement doesn't have enough to make 100,000 so they are hiring experienced pundits to perform the chanting and ceremonies.

He said that Sat Yuga will arrive by July 21st,  Guru Purnimah, this year!
The exact dates of the yagya have not been announced yet.

“The eternity of the eternal life of absolute Being is conceived in terms of innumerable lives of the Divine Mother a single one of whose lives encompasses a thousand life-spans of Lord Shiva. One life of Lord Shiva covers the time of a thousand life-spans of Lord Vishnu. One life of Lord Vishnu equals the duration of a thousand life-spans of Brahma the Creator. A single life-span of Brahma is conceived in terms of one hundred years of Brahma; each year of Brahma comprises 12 months of Brahma and each month comprises 30 days of Brahma. One day of Brahma is called a Kalpa. One Kalpa is equal to the time of 14 Manus. The time of one Manu is called a Manvantara. One Manvantara equals 71 Chaturyugis.  One Chaturyugi comprises the total span of 4 yugas, i.e., Sat Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. The span of the yugas is conceived in terms of the duration of Sat Yuga. Thus, the span of Treta Yuga is three quarters of that of Sat Yuga; the span of Dvpara yuga is half that of Sat yuga and the span of Kali yuga one quarter that of Sat yuga. The span of Kali yuga equals 432,000 years of a man’s life.

B-G, Ch. 4, V. 1, commentary.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita
A Translation and Commentary
Chapters 1-6

Ayurveda states that the span of a man’s life is 120 years.
Maharishi’s teacher, Swami Brahmanda Saraswati had a huge yagya performed to end WW II.  The following year the war ended and the year after that India gained independence.

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