----- Original Message -----
From: DDCV
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:53 AM
Subject: Tulku Nyima/21 Tara Empowerment/Lonchenpa Teachings/Amitayus Long Life/April 8-13


 Tulku Nyima Rinpoche

Liberating the Mind Retreat

April 8-13, 2005

Lincoln, Vermont

Date Time Teaching Sug. Don.
Friday, April 8 7pm Public Talk-Liberating the Mind: Heart Advice on the Buddhist Path $10
Saturday, April 9 11-1 pm Twenty-One Tara Empowerment $30
Saturday, April 9 3-5pm Wisdom Mother Tara Teachings and transmission of Jigme Lingpa's Inner Queen of Great Bliss Sadhana $30
Sun-Mon., April 10-11 10-12:30 & 2:30-5 pm Longchenpa's 30 Pieces of Advice from the Heart $80
Tuesday, April 12 6:30-9pm Amitayus/Hayagriva Long Life Empowerment $25
Wednesday, April 13 10-12:30 &2:30-5 pm Amitayus/Hayagriva Long Life Instructions and Concluding Practice Session with Tsok $40



Tulku Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche was born in the water horse year of 1942 in Tromtar, Eastern Tibet (Kham). The great Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro recognized him as a reincarnate lama (a tulku) when he was just a small child. At the age of 12, he went to Nyoshul Monastery to study, and trained under many masters, including Orgyen Rigdzin, Khenpo Munsel, and Arig Rinpoche - his root teacher. During this time he studied and meditated on the classic works of the Sakya and Nyingma traditions. In 2003, on his first visit to the United States, he met His Holiness Sakya Trizin who recognized him as a 'genuine reincarnate lama of the Sakya tradition." His Holiness also described him as 'well accomplished."

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche  met Tulku Nyima Rinpoche's visit to the U.S. in 2003 Rinpoche was able to visit Garchen Institute in Arizona where Garchen Rinpoche with tremendous affection supplicated Tulku Nyima to teach his students during one of Garchen Rinpoche's regularily scheduled teaching times at the summer retreat. Garchen Rinpoche stressed the preciousness of the opportunity to receive teachings from such a great master. Tulku Nyima is recognized as one of the five emanations of Khenpo Ngagchung, one of the greatest Nyingma masters of the previous century and a prophesied emanation of Vimalamitra and Longchenpa. Khenpo Ngachung authored "A guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher". 

Since 2002 he has been the abbot of the Dokho Monastery in Derge,
Eastern Tibet. In 2003, while visiting the U.S. Rinpoche announced his intention to establish his first center in the West and named it Sakya Dokho Choling; it is located in Germantown, Maryland. Tulku Nyima has been the abbot of many different monasteries in Tibet since 1985 and has taught in universities both in Tibet and in America. He has many disciples, among them Lamas and Tulkus from many regions including Central Tibet, Kham, Amdo, and Inner Mongolia.




Suggested donation for those attending complete retreat is $200.

Donation for Individual sessions is  as listed above.

For more information or to register:



Some partial scholarships and work study available.

Inexpensive community housing is available for those from out of town.

Further information on these teachings will soon be updated at www.ddcv.com

Teaching Location

Burnham Hall

52 E. River Road

Lincoln, VT


May these teachings benefit all sentient beings.

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