--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "George DeForest"
> .
> > Patrick Gillam wrote:
> >
> > people are advised to face east,
> > for instance by orienting desks to face east.
> > What's that all about? Seems to me it has
> > some connection with orienting one's brain
> > to energies that flow from east to west.
> yes, the Sun mainly.  here is a clip from
> http://www.alltm.org/pages/neil.html --
> "scientific studies in the Journal of Neuroscience (1)
> show that the neurons in our brain actually fire
> differently depending on the direction we are facing.
> There are also "place neurons" in the brain which
> signal our body's orientation in a room or environment.
> Thus, the way we face influences brain and body functioning.

Um, the cited journal article does all that?

Here is the abstract, followed by he article's Generaliions  and

Can you explain more precisely how the article  
"show[s] that the neurons in our brain actually fire
differently depending on the direction we are facing." and how 
"there are also "place neurons" in the brain which
signal our body's orientation in a room or environment.
Thus, the way we face influences brain and body functioning."

By the way, one of the co-authorsis Bruce L. McNaughton. Is that the
blond headed guy that used to teach TM in Detroit in mid 70's? 


Path Integration and Cognitive Mapping in a Continuous Attractor
Neural Network Model

Received Feb. 24, 1997; revised May 14, 1997; accepted May 15, 1997.
Alexei Samsonovich and Bruce L. McNaughton

Arizona Research Laboratories Division of Neural Systems, Memory and
Aging, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85749

A minimal synaptic architecture is proposed for how the brain might
perform path integration by computing the next internal representation
of self-location from the current representation and from the
perceived velocity of motion. In the model, a place-cell assembly
called a "chart" contains a two-dimensional attractor set called an
"attractor map" that can be used to represent coordinates in any
arbitrary environment, once associative binding has occurred between
chart locations and sensory inputs. In hippocampus, there are
different spatial relations among place fields in different
environments and behavioral contexts. Thus, the same units may
participate in many charts, and it is shown that the number of
uncorrelated charts that can be encoded in the same recurrent network
is potentially quite large. According to this theory, the firing of a
given place cell is primarily a cooperative effect of the activity of
its neighbors on the currently active chart. Therefore, it is not
particularly useful to think of place cells as encoding any particular
external object or event. Because of its recurrent connections,
hippocampal field CA3 is proposed as a possible location for this
"multichart" architecture; however, other implementations in anatomy
would not invalidate the main concepts. The model is implemented
numerically both as a network of integrate-and-fire units and as a
"macroscopic" (with respect to the space of states) description of the
system, based on a continuous approximation defined by a system of
stochastic differential equations. It provides an explanation for a
number of hitherto perplexing observations on hippocampal place
fields, including doubling, vanishing, reshaping in distorted
environments, acquiring directionality in a two-goal shuttling task,
rapid formation in a novel environment, and slow rotation after
disorientation. The model makes several new predictions about the
expected properties of hippocampal place cells and other cells of the
proposed network.

The above picture of the hippocampal model of space argues for a
general concept of an attractor-map-based internal cognitive model.
Many cognitive tasks can be represented effectively on the basis of
abstract mathematical models such as graphs (e.g., Muller et al.,
1996) and manifolds and therefore may require internal "mapping."
According to this concept, the underlying attractor map of the
cognitive model is presumed to preexist, and representations of
particular memory items may become bound to it. For example, in
analogy to the multichart architecture for space, it is possible to
conceive of attractor map primitives for egocentric space or even for
objects such as chairs or people, which exist in a synaptic matrix
without yet having been bound to particular exemplars. To navigate
around the map, it is necessary to have a sense of possible local
transitions. This can be provided by another attractor map, in analogy
with the spatial map and the head direction map in the model of this
paper. A related concept was proposed by Droulez and Berthoz (1991).

Therefore, attractor maps are likely to be found in various brain
areas in addition to the hippocampus; e.g., they may underlie cortical
mental rotations (Georgopoulous et al., 1989; 1993) and motion control
(Sparkes and Neson, 1987; Sparks et al., 1990; Droulez and Berthoz,
1991; Munoz et al., 1991; Fikes and Townsend, 1995).

Hippocampal spatial representations can be described efficiently in
terms of charts and self-localized activity packets. This
representation inspires a new concept of an attractor map, which may
have broad applications elsewhere. The attractor map concept together
with the path integration concept lead to a plausible connectionist
model (MPI) of the hippocampal spatial representation system, which
uses previously suggested ideas of multiple wired charts (Muller et
al., 1991; McNaughton et al., 1996). Numerical simulations of this
theory confirm intuitive assumptions about its dynamics. The proposed
point of view, although incomplete, leads to a straightforward
explanation of many available experimental facts and currently seems
to be the most inclusive among alternative theories of hippocampal
place-cell dynamics.

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