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Van: Mahadevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: vr, 8 apr 2005 15:24:18 Europe/Amsterdam
Onderwerp: {KS} Fw: U CAN (help to) CHANGE 'the world' in the coming month ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Women forPope
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 3:18 PM
Subject: U CAN (help to) CHANGE 'the world' in the coming month ...
... by sending this mail to 10 friends.

The coming month, a new Pope will be chosen.

This week we witnesses the greatest 'Theater of Death' ever performed in the history of mankind!

If someone had dropped a bomb on St Pietersplein, Rome on the morning of April 8 - God prevent! - the world would have experienced a tremendous crisis. Because virtually all the leaders of the world were present to witness the funeral-rites of the leader of the great male Brotherhood known as Christianity.

The late Pope John Paul II was a great devotee of Mother Maria as well. An 'M' was inscribed on his coffin. Also taken in mind the tremendous worldwide interest in the Da Vinci-Code, i suggest we start a campaign to alert humanity that it IS possible to select a woman as Pope the coming weeks. This is a topic that yet receives very little attention in the international media. The 117 cardinals are permitted to select someone not part of the congregation.

Women are half of humanity. They have no direct vote in this occult, patriarchical (s)election in Vatican-City.

If we EVER dream to turn around the turn of events on this Planet, this time is NOW. And you can actually be a part of this Lotus-Revolution. A '(r)evolution' of sanity and justice. Dignity. To announce a new era of balance and wisdom. To invoke global and intergallactic pure love and peace.

The function of 'Pope' is mainly ceremonial. It is someone to be worshipped like Pete! r wanted to subtly express his love for Christ. And the Pope is the symbol of Christ on the Planet, amidst humanity. Now is the time for this symbol to be deemed to and bestowed on a woman. Women can claim this right. During the ceremony of April 8 it was painstaking to see how exclusively male it was. That is not necessary anymore in the third century. Humanity can actually revolt within a period of two weeks. NEVER ever before was there such a tremendous possibility for humanity - because of the power of media and internet!

The purpose of this mail is to set up a campaign. We do not expect that a woman will be chosen, but we do hope and pray that maybe the next time, or the next after 'the next' .... if humanity is not annilhilated per then! Because this is at stake. Not only the survival of humanity, but the very direction. There is no institute that had more effect on the turn of the events in the world as the Christian Church to whom the vast majority of powerful ! political leaders pledge their loyality. Read in the newspapers who was present in Rome on April 8. It is really stunning.

And while it was morning in Europe, it was evening and night in other parts of the world. This is most likely one of the most influential rites that ever took place in the world. Again because of the media-coverage. After such a ritual, there are new chances and fresh openings. A ritual is also a grande purification and this purification has been witnessed by 'billions' of people worldwide.

So if your heart gives an unconditional "YES" to the idea of a woman being the next or one of the next popes, i humbly request you to forward this mail to many of your friends - even if merely to stir up the mind of people - and to subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by visiting the following link:

If millions of people join this list, a voice can reveal itself. We will send you a maximum of 10 mails the coming month and maximum 10 other mails this year and the next years.



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