How you implement and use these Sutras? do you use the Sidhis 
technique for each sutra?


--- In, Michael Dean Goodman 
> Dear Fairfield Lifers,
> Here is a copy of the Shiva Sutras that I just came across, trans-
> lated by Maharishi's honored friend, Swami Lakshman-Joo.  It offers
> some more interesting commentaries on questions that have been
> raised on this list.
> Be aware that his language differs from the 7-states language that
> we're familiar with.  For example, he calls the 4th state (Turiya
> or Transcendental Consciousness) 'God Consciousness', a title we
> reserve for the 6th state.  He seems to call the 6th state 'Tran-
> scendental God Consciousness'.
> Remember these are sutras - shorthand hints at much deeper, richer
> knowledge - and can resonate with that deep Truth if you read them
> in a settled, open state.
> Shiva Sutras
> Translated by Lakshman Joo
> First Awakening
> 1. Universal Consciousness is one's own nature.
> 2. Knowing the individual consciousness as one's own nature and not 
> the Universal Consciousness as one's own nature is bondage.
> 3. Differentiated perception and the field of individual activities 
are also
> bondage.
> [Editor's note: #2 & #3 seem to refer to rishi, devatta, and 
chhandas in
> their non-samhita, differentiated, individual state.]
> 4. This threefold bondage is attributable to and commanded by the 
> Mother while She remains unknown. Hence the field of ignorance 
comes into ex-
> istence through Her and not through any other agency.
> 5. To get rid of this triple bondage, such effort constitutes (the) 
> which is identical with Bhairava [Lord Shiva].
> 6. With deep contemplation on the wheel of energies, the whole 
> tiated universe comes to an end.
> [Editor: Transcendental Consciousness.]
> 7. Such a yogi, who has accomplished this stage, experiences Turiya 
> dental God Consciousness) in the other three states also - jagrat 
> ness), swapna (dream) and sushupti (deep sleep).
> [Editor: Cosmic Consciousness.]
> 8. Common knowledge (arising out of differentiation) constitutes 
jagrat (wake-
> fulness).
> 9. Individual differentiated knowledge in the recess of one's own 
mind is
> swapna (dream).
> 10. Loss of discrimination in the field of unawareness is sushupti 
> sleep).
> 11. The one who has digested (assimilated) all these three states 
in God Con-
> sciousness (Turiya) is the Lord of heroes.
> [Editor: Cosmic Consciousness.]
> 12. The yogic powers here (in the state of Being) comprises 
indescribable as-
> tonishment (wonder).
> [Editor: practice of the siddhis.]
> 13. For such a yogi, any desire is identical with the Supreme 
Energy (Parvati)
> of Lord Shiva and hence his desire cannot be checked by any power.
> [Editor: ultimate/end of the siddhis - omnipotence.]
> 14. For such a yogi, even the body becomes an extraneous object, or 
the total-
> ity of extraneous objects is (constitutes) his own universal body.
> [Editor: God Consciousness.]
> 15. By establishing one's mind in the heart - the Universal 
Consciousness -
> the whole world of perception appears as one's own nature.
> [Editor: Unity Consciousness.]
> 16. Or, by establishing uninterrupted awareness of pure supreme 
Nature, the
> energy of Shiva is experienced.
> 17. For such a realized soul, any ordinary thought becomes the 
means of real-
> izing one's own Self.
> [Editor: The growth of Brahman.  See last sukta of Rig Veda - "By 
virtue of
> unitedness, and by means of that which remains to be united, I 
perform action
> to generate Wholeness of life."]
> 18. His being in the ecstatic state of samadhi bestows bliss and 
happiness to
> the whole humanity or the totality of enjoyment in the universe 
> (or comprises) his ecstatic state of samadhi.
> [Editor: Brahman.]
> 19. By putting one's mind on universal energy, any body, internal 
or external,
> is formed by his mere will. (Such power is attainable by him in the 
two other
> states also - dream and deep sleep).
> 20. Such a yogi is capable of:
>      a. helping humanity unbounded by space and time,
>      b. casting off his body for specified time periods,
>      c. manifesting his body at various places simultaneously by 
remaining in
>         God Consciousness.
> 21. When such a yogi abstains from such powers, he attains lordship 
over the
> wheel of universal energies through the rise of pure knowledge.
> 22. [The great lake (of space-time) is experienced through the 
power of
> mantra.]
> [Editor: The number '22' appears, but it's followed by a blank 
space in
> the printed copy of Lakshman-Joo's translation.  These words are 
> another translator.]
> Second Awakening
> 1. Here the mind of a yogi becomes mantra.
> 2. The cause of attaining this mantra is one's own effort.
> 3. The state of totality of knowledge is the secret of mantra.
> 4. When a yogi's mind remains satisfied in cosmic powers, his 
samadhi is as
> good as ordinary dreaming.
> 5. At the rise of natural (pure) supreme knowledge, the state of 
Shiva, re-
> siding in the ether of God Consciousness, is attained.
> 6. For such attainment, the means is the Master - the Guru.
> 7. When the Master is pleased, the disciple attains the knowledge 
of the wheel
> of Universal Mother.
> 8. For such attainment a yogi has to offer all his three bodies of 
> ness, dreaming, and dreamlessness [deep sleep] as oblations into 
the fire of
> universal God Consciousness.
> 9. For him the differentiated knowledge is the food he assimilates 
into un-
> differentiated knowledge or the undifferentiated knowledge 
constitutes his
> food yielding him fullness and peace in his own nature.
> 10. By out-stepping his own nature of True Knowledge, at the time 
of entering
> into God Consciousness - Turiya, he ill-fatedly enters into 
dreaming state.
> Third Awakening
> 1. Here the mind is the nature of individual being.
> 2. Differentiated knowledge of pain and pleasure is bondage.
> 3. Ignorance of the essence of universal action and universal 
knowledge is
> illusion - maya.
> 4. So one has to absorb the individuality of principles (tattvas) 
in one's own
> body successively - absorb the five elements into five tanmatras, 
those in
> turn into the five organs and finally integrate them in the supreme 
God Con-
> sciousness.
> 5. A yogi must develop the powers of absorbing prana and apana into 
sushumna -
> the middle path, of Lordship over five elements, of isolating one's 
Self from
> the five elements and residing in the field beyond the five 
> 6. Such powers appear only when the veil of ignorance falls in the 
way of en-
> tering into pure God Consciousness.
> 7. By obtaining victory over such an illusion of cosmic powers and 
by enjoying
> the state of limitless being, the pure and supreme knowledge 
> 8. For him the state of wakefulness (jagrat) is secondary (beam) of 
God Con-
> sciousness.
> 9. For him, the actor, who plays in the drama of the universe, is 
his own
> Self.
> 10. Movement attributed in this totality of cosmic dance, is 
nothing other
> than the Supreme Being.
> 11. The spectators in this cosmic dance, are one's own cognitive 
and active
> organs.
> 12. Purity and completion of this dance is accomplished by 
establishing the
> supreme subtle awareness of intelligence.
> 13. For him the state of utter freedom exists spontaneously.
> 14. This kind of freedom obtains for him within and without.
> 15. Even after such achievement one has to remain aware in 
contemplating on
> the sea of Universal Being.
> 16. So by being established in such a state one sinks into the 
ocean of God
> Consciousness - joyously.
> 17. Such a yogi can create or destroy anything by his supreme will.
> 18. When the supreme knowledge is well established in an 
uninterrupted way,
> the pangs of recurring births and deaths are avoided for good.
> 19. When the awareness of God Consciousness slackens a bit, the 
universal en-
> ergy disintegrates into innumerable individual energies to carry 
one away from
> the kingdom of universality.
> 20. So the fourth state of Universal Being - Turiya, must be made 
to permeate
> the three other states - waking, dreaming, and dreamlessness [deep 
> 21. By developing the awareness of one's own nature, he enters and 
is lost
> into the universal God Consciousness.
> 22. After being well established in that state he breathes out that 
state into
> the universal activities. Hence the differentiation between the 
Self and the
> universe is not recognized.
> 23. If one proves a failure in infusing the state of Self in the 
universe, he
> ill-fatedly remains satisfied in his own internal nature.
> 24. When a yogi, after developing awareness of God Consciousness, 
> the state of Turiya, he enters into Transcendental God 
> 25. Such a yogi becomes one with Shiva.
> 26. For him the austerity is nothing else than the normal routine 
of physical
> life.
> 27. And for such a yogi the daily routine talk becomes the 
recitation of real
> mantra.
> 28. Such a yogi gives as alms to humanity his own knowledge of the 
> 29. The yogi, who commands the entire wheel of cognitive and active 
organs, is
> the only means of attaining knowledge of Transcendental God 
> 30. For him the whole universe is the totality of his own energies.
> 31. Living in this world of ignorance or remaining in the 
Transcendental God
> Consciousness is the totality of one's own energies of 
> 32. Such a yogi, though apparently engrossed in the daily routine 
of life, is
> in no way separated from God Consciousness.
> 33. Because such a yogi perceives the states of pain and pleasure 
only super-
> ficially, they, in no case, affect his state of Supreme-Being-
> 34. Hence he is liberated from the states of pain and pleasure and 
is uniquely
> established in his own nature.
> 35. On the contrary, the one who feels the absence of God 
Consciousness in the
> states of pain and pleasure, is an individual soul and a victim of 
> births and deaths.
> 36. The one who stands aloof from differentiatedness becomes the 
creator and
> destroyer of the entire universe.
> 37. The energy of creating and destroying the whole universe comes 
within the
> experience of such a yogi just as an ordinary soul possesses the 
power to
> create and destroy during his dreaming state.
> 38. The state of Turiya God Consciousness, that comes into 
experience in the
> beginning and at the end of the other three states (waking, 
dreaming, and deep
> sleep), should be infused and transmitted into these three states 
by firmly
> establishing one's own awareness during these intervals - beginning 
and end
> thereof.
> 39. And by developing such a process, a yogi must transmit the God 
> ness not only into the three states of individuality but into the 
entire uni-
> verse.
> 40. By the slight appearance of individual desire, one is carried 
far away
> from the state of God Consciousness.
> 41. By firmly establishing one's own Self in the state of Turiya, 
all desires
> disappear and individuality is lost into universality.
> 42. Such a yogi is liberated in life and as his body still exists, 
his is
> called bhuta-kanchuki - having his physical body as a mere covering 
just like
> an ordinary blanket. Hence he is supreme and one with the universal 
> 43. After remaining in this state of universal Transcendental God 
> ness, the functions of inhalation and exhalation automatically take 
place with
> the object that this whole universe of action and cognition is 
united in God
> Consciousness.
> 44. When one contemplates on the center of Universal Consciousness, 
what else
> remains there to be sought in the practice of prana, apana, and 
> 45. When a Shiva-yogi is completely established in God 
Consciousness, he ex-
> periences this state spontaneously within and without or both.
> Jai Guru Dev
> Edited and formatted by Michael Dean Goodman
> PARA - The Center for Realization
> Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
> Fairfield IA, Chicago IL, Washington DC, Miami FL, San Francisco CA
> 641-919-3700 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Counseling * Educational Sessions * Workshops * Satsang

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