Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wealthy, but your wealth is taken away by the government. You may
suffer from an infirmity of a limb; selfish; ailing; spouse may be
Saturn is aspected by Mars, and Saturn is in Cancer.

A variation of "Daridra" Yoga is present in your chart. At times you
will experience some poverty or financial difficulties. This is a
common and general combination that many people have, and it accounts
for the general type of troubles that come and go in most of our lives.
The lord of the 5 conjoins the lord of the 6 or the lord of the 5
conjoins the lord of the 12 or the lord of the 5 conjoins the lord of
the 8, and is not the lord of the 5 is aspected by a benefic, and is
not the lord of the 5 conjoins a benefic.

A well aspected fourth house or a favourably placed fourth lord can
indicate living in nice houses, owning nice cars and having a fortunate
mother or having a good relationship with her. It is a beneficial
indication for overall happiness in life.
The lord of the 4 is aspected by Jupiter or the lord of the 4 conjoins
Jupiter or 4 is aspected by Jupiter or Jupiter is in 4.

At times, especially those ruled by the 4th lord, your feelings will be
hurt, and you will express this in various ways both in actions and
4 is aspected by a malefic planet or a malefic planet is in 4.

In this combination, the third house, the lord of the third or Mars,
the Karaka of the third are somewhat strong, which tends to bless life
matters connected to that house, like younger siblings, communication
abilities, higher education, courage, energy and prowess.
Mars is considered Strong in Shad Bala or the lord of the 3 is
considered Strong in Shad Bala, and Mars is aspected by a benefic or
the lord of the 3 is aspected by a benefic or 3 is aspected by a

In your chart, Mars is aspecting the Moon, which is a weak version of
"Chandra Mangal" Yoga, where Mars and the Moon occupie the same
constellation. This combination will definetely give your mind a
passionate streak. You tend to be fiery and energized and sometimes
impatient and quicktempered. How exactly this will effect your life
depends on different other factors in the chart, like what other
aspects the two involved planets receive, what houses they occupie, and
whether Mars is a benefic or a malefic for the rising sign.
Moon is aspected by Mars.

Influences longevity.
Moon is in 8, and Moon is considered Weak in Shad Bala.

Loves loneliness.
Mercury is in 1, and Mercury is in Taurus Mercury is in Virgo or
Mercury is in Capricorn.

Magnificent personality. You are intelligent and generous and honest.
Good position to become an author or writer. Earns respect, love and
affection from others. But always in debt.
Jupiter is under star 1-Ashwini, and Jupiter is in star quarter # 2.

Miserliness is increased with the Sun in this sign, which produces
great physical strain. All joy is absent from your life. In this
emotional desert, there is hardly anyone with whom you can share your
difficulties and ordeals; you often get into trouble with the
government. Towards the end of your life, you become sad and
Sagittarius is in 12, and the Sun is in 12.

Moon in Leo brings idealism in love, and you will desire affection
from all directions. Moon in Leo: You will be fond of the opposite
sex and enjoyment, calm, magnanimous, persevering, loyal to father and
Guru, good organizer, well-dressed, given to music art and sports,
popular and respected. Some of the natural feminine qualities both
you because of how opposite they are to your mental nature. You may
not eat well, have stomach disorders, tooth decay, eat meat, harsh,
like to copulate in the forests and hills, yet be charitable,
respectful to mother, valorous, dutiful and looking majestic.
Moon is in Leo.

More than one marriage and a large family.
Venus is under star 19-Mula, and Venus is aspected by Jupiter.

Rahu leads to spiritual life, but while under the influence of Rahu you
can easily become disheartened and depressed.
Sagittarius is in 12, and Rahu is in 12.

Some physical disability and a wandering disposition.
Mars is under star 21-Uttarashadha, and Mars is aspected by Saturn.

Spiritual proclivities are always possible under this influence. It may
bring poverty, make you work for others and incur financial problems,
but it will also bring you into contact with thoughtful and influential
people who help you in extraordinary ways. Intellectually you possess a
deep insight into human character and motivation. Leaning toward
physical weakness, you are often unable to establish a successful
sexual rapport with your spouse.
Capricorn is in 1, and Mercury is in 1.

Suspicious and discontented.
Mercury is in 1, and Mercury is in Capricorn.

The Ascendant lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, which
will bless your overall live to some degree. To have at least one good
angular placement is of advantage for material life in general. If all
three planets are in Kendras, then the Yoga would have an accordingly
more strong and powerful effect. Fortune, wealth and other material
blessings would be almost guaranteed throughout life.
The lord of the 1 is in a kendra or Venus is in a kendra or Jupiter is
in a kendra.

The Lord of the fifth is in a Dushthana, a difficult house, which
creates "Aputra" Yoga. This means that there might be problems around
the issues of having or keeping children, or the child, especially the
first one might at times bring problems of some kind into your life.
The lord of the 5 is in 6 or the lord of the 5 is in 8 or the lord of
the 5 is in 12.

There is a quality about your work which general society tends to look
down on. You serve others, but you are not respected for this. Even
though it may be noble, your work is sometimes the cause of being
discredited even though others want what you offer. This is often found
in the charts of persons who take to careers which are not yet widely
accepted in society, such as new medical paths (massage, aromatherapy,
homeopathy etc.) or careers in the esoteric or occult fields such as
astrologers, tarot readers, etc.
The lord of the 10 is in 6 or the lord of the 10 is in 8 or the lord of
the 10 is in 12.

There is an indication of multiple relationships. You may have find it
difficult to save money. There may be some difficulty in married
life.You will have several children. May suffer from heart ailments.
Ketu is under star 7-Punarvasu, and Ketu is in star quarter # 3.

This is called "Kahala" Yoga. The lord of the fourth is in a Kendra
from the Lord of the ninth and the Ascendant lord is strong. Depending
on various other factors in the chart, this will tend to give you a
strong will, persistency and stubbornness at times. Strong angular
placements in a chart are a solid foundation and therefore good for
succeeding in material life.
The lord of the 4 is in a kendra from the lord of the 9, and the lord
of the 1 is considered Strong in Shad Bala.

This placement is not beneficial for good family relations. You will be
independent in nature, courageous, and work hard for your wealth.You
may be of middle stature and simple features.
Saturn is under star 8-Pushya, and Saturn is in star quarter # 1.

This yoga blesses the second house and therefore tends to give an
attractive face with a nice looking smile and a pleasing voice.
The lord of the 2 is in a kendra, and the lord of the 2 is aspected by
a benefic or a benefic is in 2.

Wealth, educated and good vision. Unfavorable to your father, lots of
physical suffering.
Mars is in 1, and Mars is in Capricorn.

With Venus, you lose many valuable opportunities in life. You have a
clever mind and your sensitivity is extraordinary. Many people are
willing to help you, but your personal sloth, sensual inclinations,
clandestine affairs and rebellious temperament destroy your chances of
phenomenal progress.
Sagittarius is in 12, and Venus is in 12.

You actions are good but bear the hallmarks of hypocrisy; cruel and
very talkative; victorious over your enemies; vain; little education
but contemplative; gain through perseverance and diplomacy.
Saturn is aspected by Mercury, and Saturn is in Cancer.

You are a very strong, deliberate and active person, capable of
achieving great things in life due to your ability to really go for
them. However, despite this capability, unasked for misfortunes come
and create unhappiness, making you feel frustrated in your endeavors.
You become very angry with those who try to hold you back. Eventually
you should learn to be a little more calm and achieve your ends without
disturbing others or exciting them. The phrase, "Let sleeping dogs
lie", is a good one for you to meditate on. Don't excite your
opposition by loud movement, rather direct yourself in such a way that
you achieve your ends unnoticed by the opposition.
Mars is aspected by Saturn, and Mars is in Capricorn or Mars is in

You are bereft of comforts from your family and are cruel.
Jupiter is under star 1-Ashwini, and Jupiter is aspected by Saturn.

You are very sexy, poverty stricken.
Venus is in 12, and Venus conjoins a malefic planet or Venus is
aspected by a malefic planet.

You belong to a good family with a good son; very learned; popular;
endowed with many good qualities. You occupy a leadership position
perhaps within the government.
Moon is aspected by Jupiter, and Moon is in Leo.

You choose relationships from the working class and use them as
stepping stones to better your career. Your influence is generally
Cancer is in 7, and Saturn is in 7.

You could be an exceptionally important person. Leaders of the
community who have certain spiritual goals to achieve and new areas of
human experience to explore are born with this placement. You are regal
in your appearance, invincible in your onslaught, commanding in your
approach, and full of energy and warmth in your behavior. You are
always victorious. You enjoys the confidence of your followers and
remains active until the end of your life. You were born to lead and in
the pursuit of this objective even martyrdom is no sacrifice.
Capricorn is in 1, and Mars is in 1.

You do cruel deeds, and are bereft of happiness and poor.
Mercury is under star 22-Shravan, and Mercury is aspected by Saturn.

You may be troubled by disease or be involved in illegal activities.
The lord of the 6 is in 1, and the lord of the 6 has at least one
negative placement attribute.

You may be a policeman or a military officer with people under your
command, or take up a profession involving metal or fire; or you may
have a fiery temper. You are endowed with a happy family life with
sons, wealth, and vehicles. Successful in life.
Moon is aspected by Mars, and Moon is in Leo.

You may face a lot of illness during childhood and during adulthood you
cannot make much prosperity.
The Sun is in Sagittarius, and Capricorn is in 1.

You may lose real estate and live as a renter.
The lord of the 3 is in 4, and the lord of the 4 is considered Weak in
Shad Bala, and Mars is considered Weak in Shad Bala.

You may suffer from poverty.
The lord of the 6 is in 1, and the Sun is considered Weak in Shad
Bala, and Moon is considered Weak in Shad Bala.

You may suffer from lumbago. You are short-tempered and obstinate.
However, you will be religious, popular and wealthy.
The Sun is under star 21-Uttarashadha, and the Sun is in star quarter
# 1.

You may waste your money in bad ways.You may wander and travel to
foreign lands.
The lord of the 5 is in 12, and the lord of the 5 conjoins a malefic
planet or the lord of the 5 is aspected by a malefic planet.

You might feel misunderstood by relatives and friends- like an
outcaste, often just due to misunderstandings.
The lord of the 4 conjoins a malefic planet or the lord of the 4 is
aspected by a malefic planet or the lord of the 4 is in the house of an
enemy or the lord of the 4 is in the house of a great friend the house
of a great friend or the lord of the 4 DEB.

You move towards sensual gratification, disparaging well-established or
socially approved channels but you become "burnt out" in the process.
Peace of mind is disturbed and you fall victim to ailments which
incapacitate you in some ways.
Leo is in 8, and Moon is in 8.

You will attain a good political position and perform many genrous
activities for your community.
Moon is under star 10-Magha, and Moon is aspected by Mars.

You will be very generous, doing many good deeds for society. There is
a tendency to fly off the handle, thus making it difficult for you to
get along with others
Saturn is under star 8-Pushya, and Saturn is aspected by Mercury.

You will be healthy, wealthy and enjoy very nice material comforts.
Saturn is under star 8-Pushya, and Saturn is aspected by Mars.

You will be very enterprising. You will respect elders and be God
fearing. You enjoy your life. You will be expert in various sciences
and soft spoken. You enjoy leading a quiet life. You will receive
honor and recognition from learned persons. You will possess good
knowledge about various arts. You will devote your time for the
expansion of your culture and be actively involved in various cultural
activities. Your dealings with others will be thoughtful, you try to
avoid hurting others feelings, and immediately rectify the situation if
you do. You do not care for any person who makes hindrance or causes
trouble to others. As a result you may have several hidden enemies in
your life. You have a short temper when it comes to improprieties, be
cautious that this does not affect your success. You will be generous
and perform many philanthropic activities without concern for
recognition. These activities may make you famous. You will have great
wealth and many people working under you. In the professional field you
cannot attain much success in the material field as you are not
business minded, mainly due to your straight-forwardness. However, he
will be a fitting example of sincerity and hard work. This inherent
quality of sincerity and hard work does sometimes pay you some lift but
not to the extent when we see the balance. You are bound to change your
field of earning frequently. Once you make a decision, you stick to
that decision. Your dealings with his superiors and subordinates are
very cordial and most technical. Hence you are able to be a link
between your bosses and the subordinates. This placement indicates you
will enjoy a happy and harmonious married life with good children. You
will be generous and helpful to your siblings. You may suffer from
difficulty with your vision.
Moon is under star 10-Magha.

You will be famous, hold a good position and be respected by your
Moon is under star 10-Magha, and Moon is aspected by Jupiter.

You will be popular, sympathetic, religious, god-fearing, and engaged
in a respectful vocation. Your relatives will look to you for support,
guidance, and even sustenance. You may actually be deceived by siblings
and other relatives, and will often be afflicted by illness. You are
likely to become famous outside your own country or place of birth.
Aries is in 4, and Jupiter is in 4.

You will either be a thief or will indulge in awful acts. You may have
defect in your hands and legs.
Mercury conjoins Mars, and Mercury is in 1 or Mercury is in 6 or
Mercury is in 8.

You will most likely enjoy good living conditions or nice homes.
The lord of the 4 conjoins a benefic, and the lord of the 4 is in a
kendra or the lord of the 4 is in a trine.

You will possess good fortune and vehicles.
The lord of the 4 is in 1, and the lord of the 4 conjoins the lord of
the 9.

You will reside in foreign countries or in the house of your
father-in-law. You may have multiple intimate relations. You will be
given to pleasures and will adorn yourself with scents, and other
beauty care products.
The lord of the 1 is considered Strong in Shad Bala, and the lord of
the 1 is in 7, and the lord of the 1 has at least one beneficial
placement attribute.

Your chart has "Matrumooladdhana" Yoga. This means that you gain wealth
in some way connected with your mother, which can mean the earth, the
birth mother, or another mother type person or entity. Caring for
others is motherly, for example.
The lord of the 2 conjoins the lord of the 4 or the lord of the 2 is
aspected by the lord of the 4.

Your chart shows one of the famous "Pancha Mahapurusha" Yogas, "the
five planetary combinations, that create great people". They arise,
when Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn occupies it's own or
exaltation sign in the chart, while being in an an angular or trinal
house. These are very useful, but fairly frequently occuring yogas and
they do not always give the promised effects, as the involved planet
needs to be strong, well-placed and free from malefic aspects. In your
case, it is Mars, creating "Ruchaka Yoga", the "radiant combination".
If the Yoga manifests not only from the Ascendant, but additionally
from the Moon and the Sun Lagnas, then it will be accordingly more
powerful. If Mars is in it's exaltation sign, the dispositor needs to
be strong, in order to provide the results. A strong and well-aspected
Mars will bestow the good Mars qualities upon the person, and when the
planet is in an angle, the characteristics tend to also show on the
physical level, as opposed to planets situated in trinal houses, that
tend to manifest more subtly. You are determined, decisive, couragous,
brave, ambitious, victorious in your untertakings and protective. You
might have an athletic body or be a good athlete and be very
sharpminded and dextrous with your hands. Your approach to life
generally tends to be passionate and agressive. If Mars additionally is
aspecting the Moon or the Ascendant, then the above mentioned qualities
are hightened. Depending on where the planet is sitting, it expands
it's effect to other areas in life. Mars in the seventh house, for
example, might give you a "martial" spouse. If Mars is too dominating
in the horoscope, It can also manifest it's violent or dominating
tendencies. "Ruchaka" Yoga is commonly found in the charts of martial
type people, military leaders, executives, politicians, lawyers and
Mars is in a kendra or Mars is in a trine, and Mars is in itŐs own
sign or Mars is exalted, and Mars a benefic.

Your married life may be full of friction until your 35th year,
therafter, your spouse will recognize your good qualities and life will
be more harmonious.
Moon is under star 10-Magha, and Moon is in star quarter # 3.

Your mind is so energized that the general public is not ready to
comprehend the significance of your ideas; this leads to social
persecution. Often you will be humiliated and your company shunned
because you do not enjoy popular approbation.
Gemini is in 6, and Ketu is in 6.

Your wisdom and intellect may say different things, and you are faced
with the decision to follow one or the other.
Mercury is considered Strong in Shad Bala, and Jupiter is considered
Strong in Shad Bala.

01-Capricorn in the Ascendant indicates you are probably tall and
well-built. You can, however, have a weaker and leaner lower body. You
are very hardworking and persevering, but you have to watch out for
melancholic moods. You also have to try to curb the ego at times. You
are careful with others and respectful of others, but at the same time
anxious to achieve your own ends. Other factors permitting, you can be
very religious. You also tend to respect the occult.
Capricorn is in 1.

04-Aries in the 4th house of "inner heart" produces a restlessness
which permeates your existence, making your energetic and bored with
slow dullness. This can make relationships unstable, because of your
need for change, or at least you try to keep things moving to avoid
boredom. You like to explore and move around and get the routine
matters accomplished so that something more "interesting" can be

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