Technically, one beats cream with a beater, or whips it with a whip.  Noone makes Ice Cream by stirring it, or it would take forever to make and then people like Maharishi would live longer not pandering to their own death wish being diabetics, and not feel the pressure to make us sell out our friends and families for him, so as to liberate them from the evil clutches of maya.  You see. Beating is the key, not stirring. We must beat things for the Maharishis. Stirring just isn't gonna cut it you hear me Rory? I told you you wouldn't make it in the kitchen. But as a customer, well, come back later, the ice cream isn't ready.
Ah nevermind, we're shortstaffed.  I'll work with you until you can beat it just right;) No I didn't mean it like that, I was just kidding. I mean it.
On the other hand we can all just stop and do nothing and let things go to hell. Usually I figured that that's what had happened anyway. And I was just left picking up the pieces.
Actually, if we all just did nothing, and let everything take care of itself.
That would be nice.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rory Goff
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Dinner with Dr. Mahapatra

--- In, "rudra_joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
> It was good ice cream. Hard to beat.

I have never tried to beat ice cream. Only to stir it. Took forever.

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