Is that today? Wow, blow me away. I put on my 1 and 11 mukhi beads today when I usually don't wear them very often.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: OK, here's the poop

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

The Solar Ingress into Sidereal Aries is a day of great rejoicing for the
philosophically oriented.

Happy Vishu and may the Absolute Self, whose symbol the Sun is, bless you
with Grace Divine ! Vishu is derived from Vishuvath Vrittha, which means the
Celestial Equator.

Web Astrologer G Kumar

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 12:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: OK, here's the poop

> --- In, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Emailed to me on the side:
> >
> > Got a long voicemail from someone on the course.
> >
> >
> > Anyhoo...Turns out the whole thrust of this
> > 'recertification' seems to be marketing.
> > Within the next 2-3 months there will be 500
> > storefronts in malls.   Each one will have all the
> > MAPI and movement products, a largescreen TV with the
> > M channel, a children's corner, a spa, a TM center.
> > There's more I can't remember.
> > He wanted to know the 5 high end malls in the area.
> > They will hire 4 people working in each store plus a
> > manager.  A man and woman from the course will be
> ******************
> If the TMO is looking for high-end malls, that means they're not
> going to do the cheap strip mall option, and they're going to pay
> through the nose, like $36/sq.ft (plus maybe another $10/sq.ft. for
> security, utilities, taxes, etc. --
> ):
> In addition, renters at malls usually have to pay a percentage of
> sales, something I doubt the TMO is going to be happy about:
> In order to have a spa with separate facilities for men and women,
> plus a MAPI store, plus a TM center, it sounds like you would need
> about 2000 sq. ft. -- at $36/sq.ft. plus taxes etc, that's about
> $7500/month. Plus two TM teachers at $4K/month each, one manager at
> $5K/month, and 4 other employees at $3K/month, plus payroll taxes.
> Total for rent and salaries: about $40K/month (plus whatever the mall
> owners collect as percentage of TM store sales).
> Income from MAPI products sales could not amount to much -- many of
> the items are so overpriced (like honey at $50/lb.) or of little
> interest to the general public, so these sales won't amount to much,
> and if meditators start to shop for their MAPI products at these mall
> stores, it would be merely cannibalizing sales from the web
> site.
> The mall store will have to rely on the income from the spa and from
> TM instruction, shooting for one spa treatment a day at $645/day
> (taking this figure from The Raj's price list:
> ). But the Raj has
> always lost money, even in a town with 2000 meditators, many of whom
> are rich and can afford these pricey treatments. And, outside of
> Fairfield, there are many other spas, even competing Ayurveda spas,
> that offer similar treatments, often at lower prices, and usually in
> more attractive surroundings than a tiny room in a mall.
> Initiating one person every day into TM every three days at $2500, in
> addition to the one per day for the spa treatment, would bring in
> enough money to break even ($645 x 30= $19350 plus $2500 x 10=
> $25000, for a total of $44350/month), and a handful of these mall
> stores may be able to meet these goals, which have to see a spa
> treatment and one initiation every 3 days indefinitely to stay
> solvent.
> But when you multiply the 500 proposed stores by these numbers for
> spa treatments and initiations, it amounts to 15,000 people a month
> in the USA seeking TM spa treatments -- a very unlikely figure -- and
> 5,000 people a month starting TM, a figure which has not been
> remotely approached since the wave of initiations in the 70s after
> the Merv Griffin shows (when 50,000/month were learning TM). And I
> don't see any reason why a different weighting of needed numbers --
> more initiations into TM and fewer spa treatments, or vice versa --
> could come up with a formula that could work for these mall stores,
> since there is just not much happening for the TM movement either in
> terms of people learning TM or buying Maharishi Ayurveda treatment.
> Somebody should call in a consultant from Booz Allen Hamilton or some
> other top consulting firm and bounce these ideas off somebody
> reasonable before they commit to long-term leases (which would
> probably be required since the spa would require extensive
> modification to the leased mall space that would not be suitable for
> many other applications) on a proposition that can't possibly work.
> Bob
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