Yeah, the now. That's it. The now is streaming golden light and suffused darkness. There's no need to really try to control it because it's perfect, and already prophecized to death and so it's all about really letting go now. It's not easy to let go. I find it hard to believe anyone could let go completely without embrasing the Great Black Mother.  After all, afraid of the dark, afraid of the light. I think the idea of Kali Yuga ending is very silly, however, it may end for many at any time, as Kali proves constantly. Those who die get captured away, and all ther tears are Kalima. I don't think it's funny to fuck with her. Sat yuga might come for terrorists who are going to heaven in a blaze. But the dark is the fecund truth. From great darkness is great light born. Great light burns bright and dies out, and then great darkness creeps in again. Best to hold with the dark and the light as Lao Tzu suggests. A Sat Yuga, a Kali Yuga, why not have them both in one skull? Where will there be beings to serve if there is no dark? And then where would the light be?
The reason I say all this is because to exist in the present one must identify with the anima, the unconscious, and that is very difficult, but when possible then ignorance comes to light, and that awareness is great. Rakta and Bija crept out from behind Vishnu's ear as he slept and dreamt. The anima is the great as the impression after dropping the body is first black as the senses fall away, so not fearing the dark is necessary. The mind must know itself beyond a doubt as the clarity beyond darkness, and light. If anyone forgets the anima.
"He carefully recorded his dreams, fantasies, and visions, and drew, painted, and sculpted them as well. He found that his experiences tended to form themselves into persons, beginning with a wise old man and his companion, a little girl. The wise old man evolved, over a number of dreams, into a sort of spiritual guru. The little girl became "anima," the feminine soul, who served as his main medium of communication with the deeper aspects of his unconscious. "  - Carl Jung
So finally what we have really is that the unconscious is atually pure tamasic ignorance but which also is pure potential.This pure potential also is Troma Nagmo and Prajnaparamita. The surface of the present. Nestled in Kali's Breast are the Arhats. Nevermind.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raam Navami your lucky day?

on 4/19/05 11:48 AM, akasha_108 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> yes.  Its like a 120 meter ski jump. They take you to the top and push
> you out the chute -- and in a few seconds you "Get It".

I know a guy here who had an awakening in a similar manner a few weeks ago.
He was skiing the steeps at Jackson Hole and as he pushed off the lip his
awareness focused sharply in the Now, much like the narrow part of an
hourglass. He experienced a profound transformation and hasn't been the same

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