Title: New Book
Well, that would be me. Hello, everybody. I'm the author of "The Maharishi Effect," the first mainstream book about the TM movement from a major publisher. (Tarcher/Penguin, not Viking as in the blurb.) It'll be on shelves in 2006 accompanied by a major promotional campaign. My publisher offered me prime display space at the major chains (Borders, B&N), national advertising, and coverage by NPR and other media.
-----Welcome. Kick off your shoes and smoke a fatty with us, as it takes time to savour the rasa here at FFLife.
Please note that this book is still a work in progress. The content and tone are still in flux. Whether it's "positive" or "negative" depends mainly on the input I get from the people I talk to. Has the movement really "gone awry?" Well, you tell me.
-----Der, of course. Whenever people sell God for a million bucks something has gone awry.  Or you tell us if not? especially if for instance, God is free for all and everywhere. Then it's quite Evian of someone to sell it.
I'm still looking for sources to interview for my book. If you have a good story to tell about the movement, please contact me. I can offer whatever degree of anonymity you require.
----I think that as the Movement is the source course and goal of your book you should just present the facts without emotionalism and let them speak for themselves, as anything else wouldn't do justice to the whorehouse mentality of the TMO.
Thanks very much!
---Thanks for checking in. Please give us some advance insight as to your position if you don't mind. We are probably the world's foremost experts here on things TM, with many of the Movement originators lurking here on a day to day basis. If ye seek truth, you have come to the right place. Maybe talk to LB or Rick privately if they haven't already talked to you.

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