If you felt it was ok then it
wasn't hell. Come over to my neck of the woods.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 11:43
Subject: [FairfieldLife] was [Re: This
stuff never gets old...] Maharishi vs the movement
and Thank You Rory for the confirmation! Yes, I can see
Personally I spent a long long time in Heaven before incarnating
to Earth this time around. It was wondrous and beautiful, filled with
light everywhere, and angels, and those 'jewel tone' colors.
any case, being fully suffused with the light of Heaven, sort of like
summertime at the beach, only much much nicer, I finally had to come back
here and conquer Hell. Even though I agreed to, I really didn't want to
come back. Selfish me!
Anyway, all my life I have been tuned to
heavenly stuff and scared/appalled of the hellish stuff. Then yesterday I
decided to visit Hell, only this time instead of running away or fighting
it, I just sat there and looked around. The odd thing was it wasn't scary
or repulsive at all. Granted, it WAS Hell, so not exactly a fun place.
Nonetheless, the horrible parts of it were exactly the attachments I had
to it in my mind.
Overall quite an illuminating and balancing
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
"Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Krishna's enjoining Arjuna to
slay the "opponents" > despite Arjuna's love for them is an exact
decription of the paring- > down process inside one's Self as one
ruthlessly destroys all > attachments and expectations -- even (perhaps
especially) the sattvic > ones --
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