Title: Good News on MVC Peace Palaces!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Good News on MVC Peace Palaces!

Dear Friends and Neighbors in Maharishi Vedic City,
We have recently completed the First Governor Recertification Course and are both feeling very honored and fortunate to have been assigned to Maharishi Vedic City for our Peace Palace city!
We have great good news to share with you regarding the Peace Palace project for Maharishi Vedic City.  Yesterday the Mayor of the city, His Highness Raja Wynne, donated the necessary land for the entire Peace Palace complex (about 9 acres).  This kind and generous action on Raja Wynne's part ensures a permanent home for all aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Knowledge in our beloved city, for ourselves and for all generations to come.
The land is located at the center of the city, just west of the Brahmasthan of the city, so that both the Men's and Ladies' Peace Palaces will face east towards the Brahmasthan and overlook that beautiful open space where Sat Yuga will descend in Maharishi Vedic City.
We will get the exact parcel of land surveyed and staked in the next few days, so that everyone knows exactly where the Peace Palaces will rise up!!
The Peace Palaces will house all of Maharishi's programs.  Both the Men's and Ladies' Peace Palaces will offer all aspects of Maharishi's Total Knowledge--the Transcendental Meditation Program, the Advanced Techniques, the TM Sidhi Program, Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology, the Maharishi Jyotish Consultations and Yagya program (the yagyas will be performed in India), PK and M Spa treatments, MAPI products for sale, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, yogic flying halls, Maharishi Vedic Organic restaurants, festival halls, and so forth.  Everything that we need for our personal evolution and the well being of the whole world will be available to us in the Peace Palaces!
In the perfect vastu of the Peace Palaces, Maharishi's Knowledge will be kept pure and complete for all suceeding generations of Maharishi Vedic City residents.  These beautiful marble buildings will house the full glory of the perfection of Total Knowledge which has come to us from the Holy Tradition via Maharishi.
At www.globalcountry.org you will find an overview of the Peace Palaces themselves (click where it says "3000 Peace Palaces").  The Peace Palaces shown on the webpage are not quite the final version, but will give everyone a very good idea of what is planned.  In Maharishi Vedic City we will have the grand configuration of a tower in the center, flanked by a Men's and Ladies' Peace Palace, with many annexes at the rear which will house the clinics, flying halls, restaurants, etc.
We know that all of you will be as excited as we are about this project!!  The Peace Palaces will be the heart and soul of our city and of our Vedic way of life which we enjoy here in Maharishi Vedic City.
We invite everyone to participate in raising the money to build these palaces of knowledge.  We hope that everyone will donate generously to the project!!  Also, you may invest in the project either through buying World Peace Bonds (sold to "qualified investors" only), and through other interest-paying loans.  The Global Country of World Peace will own the Peace Palaces, so any donation you make or money you loan will be to the Global Country.
We will soon be opening temporary offices in the Central Bank building, which will serve us until we can construct our beautiful Peace Palaces.  But until we have that office up and running, please feel free to contact us at our homes.  We welcome everyone's participation as we work together to manifest the Peace Palaces.  Having the land is such a beautiful and substancial first step!!
With all warmest wishes to you in this 50th jubilee year of Maharishi's Movement.
Jai Guru Dev
Mac Muehlman, Director, Maharishi Vedic City Men's Peace Palace
Cynthia Parker, Director, Maharishi Vedic City Ladies' Peace Palace

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