Oh yeah, in some ways Rama is the avatara or John the Baptist of the TMO Raaj Raam. Showing through his life the source, course, and goal of the TMO Raaj.
----- Original Message -----
From: TurquoiseB
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 6:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kaplan's money

> > You may have missed out.  I worked with a spiritual
> > teacher who took his students to Disneyland often.
> > http://ramalila.net/RoadTripMind/rtm13.html
> Unc, how have you "come to terms (if that's the right
> term)" with your powerful experiences with Rama and
> his rather bizarre death and less than "enlightened"
> behavior at times?
> -Peter

In two words, "Shit happens."

I had already left his study a couple of years before
he died, and thus wasn't as affected by it as a lot of
folks who hung in there to the end.  I don't really know
anything about the "whys" of it all; it's a koan.  I spent
some time pondered it in one of the stories I wrote, at:

As I suggested in a recent post, for many reasons I do
not believe in the idea that the enlightened are perfect
and don't make mistakes.  I don't think they're any
different than anyone else, except on the level of subjec-
tive realization.  So I have no tendency to suggest that
odd or questionable behavior means that someone wasn't
enlightened.  All it suggests to me is that they indulge
in odd or questionable behavior.  So did many teachers
whom history regards as enlightened.  Big deal.

I'm also not a person who is terribly impressed by the
ability to perform siddhis, and wasn't when I met the Rama
guy.  I got to see and experience some neat stuff, and
enjoyed it, but I did not then and do not now make any
link between being able to, say, levitate and turn invisible
and do fascinating things with light and that person's state
of consciousness.  The main thing that impressed me about
the guy was his ability to meditate.  When you sat with him
in the early days, it was just silence -- pure samadhi.  It
was *impossible* to have a thought.  All the other stuff
was bells and whistles, IMO.

To be honest, not all of his students felt as I did.  They
definitely consider the enlightened perfect by definition,
so his suicide fucked with their heads Big-Time.  If you
believe that your teacher is enlightened and that the enlight-
ened are by definition perfect, then you have to jump through
a lot of mental hoops to justify suicide.  I'm not much in
touch with them, so I can't tell you how they've come to
terms with things.

For me, it was a wild and wacky Mister Toad ride that I shall
always be thankful for but don't spend a lot of time missing
or even thinking about.  Right here and now is too wild and
wacky and wonderful to leave much time for that.


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