Good story dling it now.
----- Original Message -----
From: TurquoiseB
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Segovia anecdote (was Re: The Kaplan Money)

--- In, "Patrick Gillam"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> wrote:
> It must have been the mid-1970s. I attended a Segovia performance
> at Hancher Auditorium in Iowa City. As will happen in a hall of
> 2,700 people, someone had a cough. In the middle of his playing,
> Segovia stopped, rested his guitar, looked at the offender in the
> audience, slowly brought a handkerchief from his breast pocket,
> and coughed into it once.
> The audience laughed nervously. A few clapped. The offender jumped
> up, bustled past the knees of others in his row and hustled out the
> door. When he returned at intermission, I have to think he had his
> throat lozenges already unwrapped and ready.

Cool story, Patrick.  I *love* cool concert stories.

My brother told me of one at a solo Keith Jarrett
concert.  You kinda have to know Jarrett to get the
magic of this story.  He was a classical pianist
studdying at Julliard when he got a call one day
from Miles Davis asking if he'd like to play key-
boards for him.  Jarrett didn't hesitate for a moment.
He walked away from his scholarship and never looked
back.  At one point he started playing solo concerts.
If, as a meditator, you don't know the album called
"The Koln Concert," you have missed a great deal.

One of these solo concerts is the setting for this
very Zen story.  In front of a full house in an Opera-
style auditorium, Jarrett walked out to thunderous
applause and sat down at the piano.  And sat.  And sat.
And sat.  No music, no movement, nada.  He just sat
there, as if waiting.  This went on for nearly five

Finally someone from the upper balcony shouted out,
"B-flat!"  And Jarrett's hand shot out and hit that
note once, hard.  Then, after a moment, he hit it
again, and smiled.  He turned to the balcony and said,
"Thanks...I needed that."

Then he played the note again and turned it into two
unbroken hours of pure improvisation.  Pure *magical*

The man had no earthly idea when he walked onstage what
he was going to play.

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