The original reason for the mother lineage in judaism has to do with the
families having been matrilineal.  By the way, it is possible, and has been
a large part of human history, to have matrilineal and patriarchal
concurrent within a society, though matrilineal precedes patriarchal in
judaism as well as other cultures.

On 9/21/07, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Jews consider the child's mother to be proof of being a Jew.  A
> man can say, "That's my kid and I'm a Jew, so the kid is a Jew," but
> that doesn't carry the "religious validity" as "my mom is Jewish."
> The man could be lying, but a womb can't lie.
> I study Kabbalah, my very best friends are Jewish, my grandmother was
> Jewish, and I think they have some spiritual insights that can match
> anything in Hinduism or mystical Christianity or Sufi or whatever.
> The Sefirot of the Kabbalah is quite a deep, inspirational
> documentation of divinity.
> I was tipping my hat to the fact that despite not knowing about
> mitochondria, the Jews came up with a system that recognizes the
> mother's role in "owning offspring."  It's cool that they intuited it,
> and came up with a "rule" about it.
> Edg
> --- In, "Richard J. Williams"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > Duveyoung wrote:
> > > > The Jews had it figured. If yer mommy's not a Jew, > you're
> > > > not a Jew.
> > > >
> > > There's no female "Jewish" mitochondria, you idiot!
> > >
> > Rick wrote:
> > > Richard, we're refraining from personal insults. Put in context.
> > > If you were at a party, consider how insulting it would be to call
> > > someone call someone an idiot to his face. Therefore, please don't
> > > do it here.
> > >
> > I'd be highly insulted if I was of the Jewish faith and
> > I was told that because my father was a Jew and my mother
> > wasn't, that I wasn't Jewish! Is that context enough, Rick?
> >
> > Question: Would someone be an idiot if they made the claim
> > that there was such a thing as a "Jewish" mitochrondira? Or,
> > would they be called ignorant racist instead?
> >
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