cardemaister:  "What is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust?"


Dictionary:  "crust" - the trait of being rude and impertinent;
inclined to take liberties.

I'd say that impertinence is the major element. Rude...well a child
can be innocently rude -- not knowing the rules of society, but,
commonly, impertinence is done on purpose.

Wait, did I misunderstand the question?

Oh, okay, I'd say "wheat flour" is the major element in the earth's
crust.  I can imagine God kneading the dough, popping the ball into
hellfires, getting it golden brown.  As an aside, this is why poverty
is holy -- needing the dough is sacred.

Once the butter arrives, wez agunna get et.

Wait.  Oxygen?  Earth's crust is 46% gas?  

Gaia has gas?  So next question, does Mommy Earth need Gas-X or Beano?

I'm thinkin' Beano.


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