It doesn't take a genius nor a saint to witness the load of himsa in the
edited and/or pseudo dialog.

 *I want every person to be complete in themselves.  **Your himsa has no
place in my mission.*

*"I will help all beings in every way I can promptly." *
* *
*"I will not inflict pain or misfortune on anyone through my thoughts, words
or deeds." *

On 9/17/07, Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Namaste Guru G and all
> G:Having things stripped bare is not an attractive offer. hahahahahah
> people want to have *thier* lives but to have them Enhanced. And
> Surrender doesn't equate with the idea that *I* can get *Realization* .
> N: Being striped isn't attractive ether all the slobber and bed head. Ha
> ha ha ha.
> A famous Guy once said "those who lose their lives have life more
> abundantly". He he
> G:The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization. The ME may have
> may insights aka realizations, but Realization only takes place when
> the ME is no more and has dissolved or imploded into simply Absolute.
> N: Yes, this me is so enlightened you should all buy my ME SO SOUP.
> $500.99 plus tax no
> Guru necessary we have a digital automated one. Soup cores requires you
> read the work
> book The Grate Me and the Guru Within written by Dorkdananda.
> N: The oddest things are observed. One could hardly call this deep
> Witnessing, but have
> been observing ego stuff as it mixes with mind it's like all thoughts are
> lies and crafted in
> a way that no one notices, the UN reality of thought which arises seem to
> be made up as
> one goes along. Ego is just a belief system and when that system is
> challenging the me
> freaks. But there is no me just a bunch of thought patterns that made one
> think im this or
> that.
> It has been very different unpleasant, some times crazy seeing the world
> like this, there is
> no descriptions or thoughts that could be accurate at all because they are
> made up
> according to the ego pattern. It all seems to be a big game. And every one
> seems to count
> on that game and getting the bigger better game. So this me is nuts,
> what's left of it. It's a
> challenge to talk or remember things, mantra spontaneous in the middle of
> the night and
> just seeing through the eyes is different. And yes, practice breath
> surrender and grace. Oh
> and more surrender.
> Like to kick the guy's butt who invented the me along with the guy who
> invented the high
> heel. Ha ha ha ha haaa rrrar.
> G:i do not offer enhancements - but rather lopping off heads. hahahahaha
> N: What! No pet a cure?
> Love Nyingje
> Maha Shanti
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Dharma Mitra

    Helping you "Say It With Panache!"

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   as important as what you want to convey,
      and what you have to say is
         very important to you.

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I want every person to be complete in themselves.  Your himsa has no place
in my mission.

Of all that anyone leading or teaching has to convey, the most valuable
thing to cultivate and convey to others is a moral conscience. Only such
persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
to society.

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