--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/24/07 12:24:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > No,  nothing like that. When was the last time you saw a children's
> program  
> > in the US calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call
> them apes?
> Call for references that Palestinian TV has  children's programs
> "calling for everyone to go out and kill a Muslim or  call them apes."
> > What specifically have I said that was bigoted?  
> Your whole context is bigoted and it smacks of the  contemporary
> Christian Right and the right wing media [particularly talk  radio]
> attitude of anti-Muslim ideology.
> Gladly!_‘Palestinian’  Education from Hell « Arab racism Islamo
> m-hell/)  _Teach Kids Peace â€" 'Sesame  Street' Show Teaches Kids
to Hate and 
> Kill_ (http://www.teachkidspeace.org/doc112.php)   Here are two for
you   to 
> mull over. There are many more. 

That's Israeli government propaganda, plain and simple. That's my
view, unless you can provide verifiable unbiased corroboration. 

Calling for an explanation of a religious  
> belief that evokes high emotion and political activism, that often
ends in  death  
> for a group of people, is hardly anti- Islamic, unless of course it
> to be an embarrassing  belief. The light of truth can make one 

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