>From his site: 

"My mother says that my birth was extremely easy, with little pain,
and that I was "completely grown up," even as a child. In my youth
(pre-teens), I was not prone to easy laughter or the common jokes that
circulated among human beings. I lived in a world all by myself,
thinking, feeling and being led innocently toward a life of relentless
spiritual evolution."

I think this is why he is unfamiliar with the custom of human beings
not shouting with caps on online discussion boards.  

Now the question is, would you buy bliss from a guy who didn't laugh
his ass off during his childhood?  I wonder if human's "common jokes"
can get him to chuckle these days?  Have you lightened up since then
One Radiant Being Dave?  

I wonder if the whole serious kid reference is a version of MMY's
description of Guru Dev's childhood.  Sounds kinda familiar.

Do I know you David?  We are almost exactly the same age so if you
were in the movement at all we probably do.

Presenting yourself as a "spiritual master" pretty much makes us oil
and water I guess.  In any case you need to fix the tables on your Web
schedule, the text runs together on Firefox.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "oneradiantbeing"
> <oneradiantbeing@> wrote:
> >
> > > As far as dharshan goes, though, I don't count it as much. 
> > > In fact, I'm suspicious of it. 
> > 
> > WITH YOU. 
> Without shouting :-), at least six thousand years
> of Vedic teachings have told us that some people
> are better than others because of their parentage,
> and that the rest (and their children) are stuck 
> in their caste forever.
> In other words, "Vedic teaching" has been a source
> of some of the greatest misery this planet has ever
> seen. Literally millions of Indians trapped in
> poverty and discriminated against to this day. And
> you want me to buy "Vedic teachings" as some kind
> of *authority*? Get real.

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