--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Off,
> > 
> > Let me, along with all redemptive seeking souls, deeply and 
> profusely
> > apologize for the massive decadence, debauchery and criminality 
> our
> > founders, and their even more wretched off spring, who to this day
> > spoil the natural refinement and  galactic dignity that you so
> > demonstratively possess. No Scotsman, the soul of God, would ever,
> > ever, set foot, much less stay, in America for one second, unless 
> they
> > were treacherously kidnapped, or lost a massively disabling 
> >>
> Well except for Andrew Carnegie - philanthropist 
> extrordinaire. "Steel was where he found his fortune. In the 1870s, 
> he founded the Carnegie Steel Company, a step which cemented his 
> as one of the "Captains of Industry". By the 1890s, the company was 
> the largest and most profitable industrial enterprise in the world. 
> He sold it to J.P. Morgan's US Steel in 1901 and devoted the 
> remainder of his life to large-scale philanthropy, with special 
> emphasis on local libraries, world peace, and scientific research."
> John Muir - founder of Yosemite and National parks.
> John Paul (alias John Paul Jones founder of the U.S. Navy. ) 
> Harvard Medical School was founded by three doctors - of the three, 
> only Dr Benjamin Waterhouse, a graduate of the medical school at 
> Edinburgh University, was a qualified doctor.
> Alexander Hamilton (one of the more democratic founders, whom 
> Jefferson undermined in his critiques) . 
> His father had his mansion house which I passed everday on the way 
> school.
> James Blair: The first president and founder of the College of 
> William and Mary; he emigrated from Scotland in 1685.  Founded in 
> 1693 William & Mary educated U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson, 
> Monroe, and John Tyler and other key figures important to the 
> development of the nation, including U.S. Supreme Court Chief 
> John Marshall and 16 signers of the U.S. Declaration of 
> In addition, George Washington received his surveyor's certificate 
> from William & Mary.
> Alexander Wilson, who emigrated from Scotland in 1794, was the 
> person to study North American birds. He was the author of the 
> seven volumes of the American Ornithology.
> Washington's surgeon at the army fort in Winchester, Virginia, was 
> the Edinburgh trained James Craik. It was Craik, a close personal 
> friend of the president, who diagnosed his final illness and 
> him till his last hours. 
> 35 US Supreme Court Justices have been Scots. 
> Of 73 Great Americans in the Hall of Fame, 25 were of Scottish 
> Nearly half of the Secretaries of the US Treasury and one third of 
> the Secretaries of State have been of Scots origin.
> Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, 
> were directly or indirectly descended from Scots. 
> 9 out of 13 Governors of the newly created United States were Scots 
> or of Scottish descent. 
> Of fifty judges of the Supreme Court from 1759-1882 at least 
> were of Scottish ancestry.
> Americans with Scottish blood include Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse, 
> President Jefferson, Edgar Allan Poe, Allan Pinkerton (who founded 
> the Pinkerton Detective Agency), Washington Irving, Whistler and 
> Paul Jones, just to name a few.  A Scotsman, John Witherspoon, 
> the American Declaration of Independence, and was also one of the 
> founders of Princeton.  Robert E. Lee, the famous Civil War general 
> was of Scottish descent and so was Ulysses Grant.  President 
> (Munro's) ancestors came from Sutherland.>>

Forgot to mention:

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon.
Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, both had Scottish ancestry.


> It goes on ad infinitum.
> America is nothing without the Scots.
> G.W Bush is of swedish-english origin.
> That is why I am here. You're fucked without us.
> Now STFU, and move out the way. 
> You Americans have fucked up the country we loaned to you, and now 
> are here to take it back. Not kidding. Try stopping us.
> We, the Kelts, were here before Columbus.
> We OWN America, so go back to the darkness Heathens. You're fake 
> dream is over, you're 200 years of spoon fed propoganda is about to 
> implode upon you.
> OffWorld (of Keltic origin)

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