Oh, goodie.  :-)

It's not every morning that I get a chance to
start my day off with a good rant, but here I
have two idiots offering me an opportunity to
do so, on a silver platter. 

I simply cannot resist.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> > <mainstream20016@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > > You have NOTHING to say about it.
> > > > 
> > > > It's not your body.
> > > > 
> > > > It's not your decision.
> > > 
> > > You pose your declaration as though I were blocking the 
> > > entrance to an abortiion clinic in protest. How dare you 
> > > suggest I refrain from expressing my thinking that abortion 
> > > is cruel!
> <snip>

[ the rest of mainstream's post, so carefully 
snipped by Judy, hereby reinserted ]

> > > Regarding your compassionate support to so many women 
> > > tormented by their decision to abort - I think you 
> > > had alot more involvement in their basic predicament, 
> > > and that you lobbied for the eventual decision that 
> > > caused them so much pain.

[ my response to mainstream ] 

> > Wow.
> > 
> > This is so insane that I'm a little afraid.
> > 
> > Now you know why I don't discuss abortion;
> > it brings out the inner fanatic in people.

[ Judy, being...uh...herself ]
> Actually, he's right on target in the part I quoted.
> Whether what men have to say, pro or con, about
> abortion *counts* is one thing; it's quite another
> to tell them they have no right to express an
> opinion.
> Just imagine the fireworks if someone told Barry
> he had "nothing to say" about something upon
> which he'd made one of his pronouncements!

Ok, you guys started this. Now sit back and
take what's comin' to ya.

There is NOT ONE WORD in my original post in
which I suggested that mainstream should not
express his opinion on this subject. I did NOT
tell him that he had "nothing to say" ON THE
SUBJECT. I told him he had nothing to say about
the *decision* any woman makes on this subject.

And he doesn't.

Mainstream, whether he believes it or not, really
IS (at heart) one of those guys who *would* stand
in the doorway of a doctor's office (which he
would demonize by calling it an "abortion clinic")
and try to stop some woman from having an abortion.

But he doesn't have the balls to do that.

So instead he tries to make the woman feel GUILTY
about her decision. That's the form of punishment
he metes out for her type of "sin."

And when I stood up for the women and pointed out
that he was trying to characterize them unfairly, 
he decided to try to mete out some of the same 
punishment to me.

He made up a story in his head (which says a great
deal more about him than about me) that I was the
father of these poor, aborted fetuses, and that I
was there at the women's side, urging them to kill
these poor human beings without a care.


I can see how mainstream might have a problem with
this concept. For him it must be difficult to imagine
a man just being friends with a woman and trying to
help her through a tough time. He'd much rather try
to make her feel bad -- and GUILTY -- about having
come to a decision about what to do with an unplanned
and unwanted pregnancy. In his mind, that makes him
some kind of moral giant, a man protecting the poor,
helpless fetuses of the world against those callous
women who would murder them.

To me it just makes him JUST ANOTHER GUY, trying
to impose his will on women whose will and whose
rights he doesn't understand and doesn't respect.

And when another guy comes along and busts him for
being such a male chauvinist pig, he lashes out and
calls me a liar, and makes up a whole story that some-
how implicates me in the "murder," and allows him to
try to make ME feel guilty, too.

Didn't work.

All it did was inspire in me an enormous sense of pity
for someone this insane, whose fanaticism has blinded
him to the fact that what he's trying to do by expres-
sing his opinion on a subject that doesn't concern him
personally is make the women whom it *does* concern
feel GUILTY about their decisions.

I'm sorry, but pity is *all* I can feel for him. I did
NOT say that he should speak about this subject -- he
imagined that, and so did Judy (in his case because he's
blinded by hatred for those he considers murderers, and
he wanted to consider me an "accomplice"; in her case 
because she's just blinded by hatred, period), and they
made up stuff in my post THAT WASN'T THERE, and then
turned it into an excuse to dump on me.

Mainstream has nothing to say about whether a woman has
an abortion. Even if he succeeded in getting laws passed
to make it illegal he'd have nothing to say about it. 
He just hated being reminded of his powerlessness, and
wanted to consider himself a big, powerful, moral MAN
whose word had some authority over these women he con-
siders murderers. Me, I was even worse -- a guy calling
him on being an oppressive guy -- and so he had to invent
some way that he could call me a murderer and try to make
me feel GUILTY, too. That was his INTENT.

It failed. I don't feel a gram of guilt. All I feel --
for him -- is pity.

He is free to rail all he wants on this subject; I never
suggested otherwise. All I did was tell him WHY he was
really doing it -- to try to impose his will on women -- 
and that I thought it was pretty small of him. His 
response renders him even smaller in my opinion. 

As for Judy, well, I think everyone here knows that the
only reason SHE chimed in was that it was just one more
excuse to DUMP ON BARRY. She's a bitter old woman who
has nothing going on in her life *except* trying to make
other people feel bad about themselves. So in a very real
sense she and mainstream are "intent brothers."

But Judy is an EDITOR. She should *know* that what she
made up about my post is a lie. And she doesn't. She is
that blinded by hatred for me. 

So she joins in with mainstream's agenda and tries to 
make me feel guilty and bad about myself. Him for some
"crime" that he made up in his head, and which has no
relationship to reality. Her for saying something that
she *knows* I never said.

The only thing I can do is PITY them, both for what they
are, and for the delusional belief system that allows 
them to be these things while considering themselves
privy to the best, most effective form of meditation on
the planet. 

Here is my original post, in its entirety. Tell me where
I told mainstream in it that he didn't have the right to
speak on this issue. I didn't. All I said that was that
his opinion has no meaning; he has nothing whatsoever to 
say about it. If a woman he's trying to make feel GUILTY 
so that she doesn't have an abortion wants one, she'll 
get one anyway, whether it's legal or illegal. THAT is 
what he hates -- the sense of his own powerlessness. I 
honestly think that's what Judy hates as well; she just 
aims her fury at the individual human beings who are 
beyond her oh-so-imagined power to make them feel bad.

Fuck 'em both. I'm back to dealing with only people here
whose actions seem to indicate that their decades-long
practice of meditation has actually done something 
for them. 

DS responds to mainstream20016 Re: Abortion

I have been carefully staying out of this,
partly because, on the few non-argument-
driven forums I hang out in on the Net,
abortion is a banned issue.

The reason is that, as someone said earlier,
one is either pregnant or one isn't. It's
that kinda issue.

You're either "for" or "against." Like
pregnancy itself, it's tough to find a
middle ground amongst all the rhetoric.

So, just for something fun to do on a
sunny afternoon in Sitges after a rain,
with the environment washed clean and my
self feeling similarly so, I think I'll
actually violate a personal rule and
weigh in on the subject. Just this once.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "oneradiantbeing"
<oneradiantbeing@> wrote:
> >
> > Mainstream: The wanton disregard of the fetus in determining
> > to abort is incredibly cruel.

Mainstream, have you ever been the guy
helping a woman to get through an abortion?

>From the way you speak, I have to imagine
that you have not. I have, several times. And
none of the fetuses in question had the slight-
est DNA link to my own. I tried to help the
women through a painful experience because
they were in pain and I wanted to help, in
any way I could.

One of the only ways in which I found that I
*could* be helpful was just not to judge.

I'm sorry, but there is just one enormous load
of judgment in your statement above. It's in
the second and third words of the sentence.

"'Wanton disregard' of the fetus?"

How about wanton disregard of the carrier of
the fetus?

It is *not* as if abortion is an easy decision.
You're trying to make it sound as if it is one.

I'm sorry, but if you had been the shoulder to
cry on for as many women who have made the
decision to have an abortion as I have, I don't
think you'd talk the way you did above.

> > DS: I believe it's more cruel for a religion or government
> > to abduct the bodily rights of a living individual and
> > force them to reproduce against their will.

The bottom line is actually more sinister than
that. When abortion is banned, the religion or
government in question has abducted the woman's
right to *have* a will.

It's a power game. They're trying to impose
*their* will on the will of all the women whom
they mistakenly think they "govern." Whether it's
a priest or a state governor, it's almost always
a man. And that man is saying to the women he is
supposed to *represent* within a democracy, "So
I understand that you think you have a will. I'm
here to tell you that you don't have one. No matter
what *you* decide about this fetus dwelling within
you, I am here to say -- definitively -- that your
ideas on this matter Just Don't Count. *I* am the
one who gets to decide what is right and what is
wrong in such matters, not you. Live with it. And
if you don't *like* living with it, please remem-
ber that I have the right [in the near past and,
if some people get their way, in one possible
future] to throw you in jail / excommunicate you.
But you do what you think is right. I'll wait."

> If one doesn't want to reproduce, one should prevent pregnancy.
> There are many convenient ways of preventing pregnancy.

There are many convenient ways of trying. Not
one of them is foolproof.

Every one of the women I helped get through an
abortion was practicing -- and regularly, without
a single exception -- some purportedly effective
means of birth control.

I'm sorry, Mainstream, but you're talkin' like a
priest or a politician -- and above all, like a
GUY -- trying your best to make women feel really,
really, really, really BAD about contemplating an
abortion, or having had one in the past. And in
my book, that puts you on a very, very, very, very
different plane of attention than the women I held
while they sobbed their way through the experience
you so blithely call "wanton disregard of the fetus."

You have NOTHING to say about it.

It's not your body.

It's not your decision.

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