Note: 0 = Swami G, The question here is answered by two of the enlightened :

Another question: Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I was just
wondering if Diksha can
wear off? Or if it is possible to slip back into an ego after one
reaches realization?

0- As long as mind does not re-root it is secure. The practices
given and also stabalization
material to read will keep the mind stilled and so here none should

Sarojini: Am sure it is a possibility (although a Laughable one at that,
but if one has been led
by a Guru and has become centered through Practices in Stillness,
followed by some
"adjustment time" by reading, staying involved with Guru, etc. then don't
see that there would
be any problem. This is why Guru and the Practices are so Essential, not
only for aiding one
through the Process, but also to Steady the Center once Realized.

Shanti OM


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